Venus in Virgo

Virgo in Love

Venus in Virgo

This position of Venus is much maligned because it causes you to be suspicious of the love nature that the world has idolized to their detriment.

This position of Venus points to the true nature of love. Since the world or humanity at large is still very unwilling to recognize true love, these people must use this influence to protect themselves from falling into the traps the rest of the world says would be their salvation.

Therefore, you with this position present a very distorted picture of what you would prefer to be expressing. You are unable to buy an advertised love which says don’t think just feel. You are continually pointing out what is wrong with those you love. They would prefer for you to love them for their unevolved selves alone. Who gets the blame? You do.

This vicious circle is indeed difficult to break out of. If no one will accept the best that you have to offer you will oblige them by giving them a very inadequate facsimile of what they are asking for.
Many of you just never marry or ever find anyone you can be happy with. It is my belief that all this is changing. When excessive sex-obsessed-with-technique runs its course and humanity as a whole begins to talk about the closeness of a relationship, understanding, real caring, affection being located in the bowels, you will have your day.

“Falling in love” is indeed dangerous. You have sense enough to realize that. When the world has truly learned to accept that fact the evaluation of Virgo will emerge from the fog in a truly beneficial way. This position of Venus is in the forefront of that threshold.

Venus in Virgo is at fall here because these individuals are very prude and shy, and may mix between the concept of cleanliness and sexuality, perceiving the latter as dirty, and messy.

They will express their love by being very useful around the house and doing very subtle forms of service, so if you have a lover with such placement, keep your eyes open for such sublimity and be appreciative.T o Venus in Virgo, it’s the useful little things that matter. Encouragement and appreciation may help in making them less shy. Also you may want to take it extra easy on the intimacy with them, and be understanding. Once they are comfortable, you will be surprised. If you have Venus in Virgo you will also show artistic craftsmanship such as jewellery design, sculpting/carving, etc.

Venus in Virgo - Venus in Virgo is a modest, shy lover. They express love by being helpful, serving you, and criticizing you. While they are humble, they are also conscientious. They feel it absolutely necessary to call out your mistakes when they catch them. This will happen often since they have an extremely high attention for detail. Venus in Virgo is endowed with exceptional analytical skills. But remember, that is how they show that they love you. If they stop criticizing, they have stopped caring. Self-improvement is the goal for Venus in Virgo. They strive to be perfect in every area of their life, but particularly in the areas of health, diet, and work ethics. When one loves you, they add you to their self-improvement check-list. Virgo is one of the most helpful signs in the zodiac. Your Virgo lover will not simply tell you that you need to do more cardio exercise; they will wake up at 5am to jog with you every morning. They will not just tell you that your home is a mess; they will clean it for you.
For a Virgo, serving others actually provides them emotional satisfaction. They do it because it makes them feel good. In bed with a Virgo lover, prepare to be analyzed and pleased from head to toe. They will take their time exploring every nook and cranny on your body until they find your “spot.” This is a thorough lover. Most problems with a Virgo lover can be worked out if you talk with them since they are always up for self-improvement. Venus in Virgo can suffer through a long, lonely time without a partner simply because they find too many flaws with each prospect. Some Virgos are seriously waiting for a perfect person. Virgo is a mutable sign, and it’s difficult to pin them down. They don’t begin relationships with just anybody. If a Venus in Virgo loves you, either you have perfect qualities that they admire, or you are so screwed up that it has become their mission to fix you. Some celebrities with Venus in Virgo include John Lennon, Jennifer Lopez, Kevin Spacey, Julia Roberts and Robert de Niro.

How to Love Venus in Virgo ?

To make your Virgo lover feel loved, make them feel useful to you. They need to feel useful to feel good about themselves. Pleasing Venus in Virgo involves showing you appreciate them for all the little things they do -- and they do a lot. Let them help you with everything, whether its homework, housework, running errands, etc. Appreciate their self-improvement plan for your life. But more than appreciation, they want to see tangible results that their advice is working on you. They will feel loved if you’re all excited about their advice. Go vegetarian, go vegan, cut out caffeine, sign up for a fitness class, do whatever they advise you to do. Let your Virgo lover know that they are already as close to perfect as a human can be. Accept their criticism they way you would accept it from a grandparent, knowing that they love you and mean it for your own good. Don’t be harsh with them; they will back down and you may lose them. Be kind and try to be as perfect as possible. Your Virgo lover will only be comfortable with you if you are logical, practical, and super clean. Make your decisions using logic. For fun, play analytical puzzle games. They love exercising their minds by analyzing things. Don’t eat meals in your car, do carry around sanitizer, keep your kitchen spotless, always wear a bib, that kind of thing. Whatever you do, don’t take advantage of these helpful, serving souls. You will be rewarded with a near-perfect lover who is also a mentor and a best friend for life.

Female: The Venus in Virgo lady always looks smart, and as near perfect as one can be. She is quite sensitive in love, even insecure - and this reserved, loner-like quality is part of her appeal. She prefer to play it safe in her relationships, and she need to be confident that you like her before she make a move. Venus in Virgo woman is often extremely romantic, and yearns for perfection in the one she loves. Women with this Venus placement in their birth charts pride themselves on being neat, well-organized, efficient and dependable. Being able to take care of the many details of life makes you feel good about yourself as a woman.
Male: The Venus in Virgo male is turned on by clean, hygienic, nerdy women. He prefers modest, humble, nice girls, but he can also get turned on by a bad girl in a “school girl” outfit with glasses. Men with Venus in Virgo are most attracted to women who are unassuming, unpretentious, even a little shy. Neatness is more important to you than beauty in a partner, and you're turned off instantly by unkempt hair and dirty fingernails. Your ideal partner is conscientious, dependable, intelligent, modest and practical

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