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Showing posts with label Leo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leo. Show all posts
Leo Woman and Pisces Man Compatibility
Leo Woman and Pisces Man Compatibility
This is one of the most romantic and workable combinations in the zodiac. Both Leo and Pisces love to fantasize and put their partners up on pedestals. Both are able to stay on pedestals once put there, too, oddly enough. This combination can create and sustain an enduring lifelong romance that never tarnishes. They may not do so well with the practical aspects of career and marriage, but their connection to one another is likely to last forever.
Leo Woman and Aquarius Man Compatibility
Leo Woman and Aquarius Man Compatibility
Sparks and chemistry abound in this hot wired, tense and exciting combination of heart, mind and will. The attraction (if it happens) is instantaneous. The lioness is dumbstruck with how different he is, how daring, how he just does whatever he wants and doesn’t seem to care what others think. She loves a challenge and her subconscious reaction is this: “All men are attracted to me but this one is different He seems so strong. Wonder if I can bend him to my will?” On his part, he lives for shocks and thrills. It’s hard to resist the experience of being stalked by a BIG game hunter.
Leo Woman and Capricorn Man Compatibility
Leo Woman and Capricorn Man Compatibility
Leo Woman and Sagittarius Man Compatibility
Leo Woman and Sagittarius Man Compatibility
This is a really fun combination where the ball is always in play. One gets to play the Pied Piper and the other one follows merrily along. The only downside is that Sag is not likely to be romantic enough for Leo. The Sagittarius man will want to make Ms. Leo woman his pal or traveling companion, as it were, sometimes forgetting to open doors, kiss her hand, and help with the groceries. This relationship can fall into a yang-yang energy which will work for a friendship, but never for a romance — at least not “romance” in the eyes of the lady lion.
Leo Woman and Libra Man Compatibility
Leo Woman and Libra Man Compatibility
This is a good match, especially for a first marriage. It can tend toward formulaic relating, but that is helpful in some cases where the partners do not have a lot of experience. Both signs are inclined to follow the rules, and they bring out in one another a tendency to mistake following the rules for actually having a relationship. In other words, if I bring you flowers every Valentine’s Day, or if I take your coat to the cleaners religiously, does that mean that I love you? Does this suffice for loving you? Does it pass for loving you? The vital dynamic between Leo and Libra is neither dynamic nor vital but it can be very appropriate, if you know what I mean. Let’s say, Libra man, that your career would go better if you had a wife and let’s say, Leo woman, that you want to please your parents who have been married for 30 years …
Leo Woman and Virgo Man Compatibility
Leo Woman and Virgo Man Compatibility
This is a surprisingly compatible, hard working and respectable combination. If you realize that every Leo progresses through Virgo for thirty years of their life, you can see the compatibility. The emphasis is on “doing one’s duty” which Leos secretly love because it enhances their sense of dignity. Much can be accomplished and these two are proud producers, be it family, business, or other fields of endeavor. They very much share a work ethic in common with a high degree of trust.
Leo Woman and Leo Man Compatibility
Leo Man and Leo Woman Compatibility
This is not as good a combination as it might seem because it is a little crowded on center stage. Whereas Leos don’t need to have all the attention, they do need to have most of the attention, and the one thing they can’t stand is being upstaged by someone else. This combination tends to bring out the egotistical side of Leo which, despite popular stereotypes, is not the predominant aspect of this sign. Somehow, both parties wind up feeling bad about themselves for being themselves, and that makes for a droopy lion indeed.
Leo Woman and Cancer Man Compatibility
Cancer Man and Leo Woman Compatibility
Sweet. Sweet. Sweet, sweet, sweet. This relationship is for the candy-hearted Leos, the most childlike Leos, and maybe the luckiest Leos of all. Deep down inside, every Leo woman wants a man who is stronger than her, but it has to be in the right way. Cancer’s utterly fatherly patience and soft heart hold the key to her dreams. This is, in my opinion, probably the best match in the zodiac. They absolutely bring out the best in one another, while allowing each to play a natural gender role. Leo, the yang sign, brings out the yang in Cancer, while Cancer, the yin sign, brings out the yin in Leo.
Leo Woman and Gemini Man Compatibility
Gemini Man and Leo Woman Compatibility
This is a merry combination. These two people can enjoy running circles around each other. Gemini is Mercurial — always fascinating and nearly impossible to keep up with, which Leo will find entertaining (like he could be more fun than a barrel full of monkeys). That is until the monkey starts the real monkey business. If you are serious about pursuing this ephemeral bit of phosphorous, Dear Leo, be prepared to take what comes with it – a wilderness of loose ends. The sun starts and stops with the Gemini who will tend to rely on Leo’s sense of responsibility and organizational skills to a wearying degree. Still he is so charming it may seem worth it for a long time. You are so good at putting the leash on that pesky little primate.
Leo Woman and Taurus Man Compatibility
Taurus Man and Leo Woman Compatibility
Remember when soccer uber star Zenedine Zidane head-butted another payer at the World Cup? That’s what’s likely to happen when a Taurus man and a Leo woman get together. There is a more-or-less constant gridlock between these two basically stubborn signs. Leo is bossy and demanding, but we all know you can’t make the Bull move, even to greener pastures — unless he wants to. And so it goes, and so it goes. The tension between these two may be mistaken at first for sexual tension, but it’s really more likely to be growing frustration. Leo is guaranteed to be miserable. Taurus will be pushed to display his unbelievable temper (Taurus has the worst temper in the zodiac). Of course the melodrama may be pleasing to Leo, but that just goads the Bull on.
How to Attract a Taurus Man as a Leo Woman: If you’re a Leo woman trying to attract a Taurus man, you should be aware that Taurus is the toddler of the zodiac — the adorable, spoiled child that expects everything to drop on to the highchair at his command. Big boy Tauruses are no different. He really dreams that you will wrap it up, package it, and deliver it to his front door. You know, like ordering a pizza. So you’ve got your marching orders in front of you. You MUST make him take a step out of his safety zone. You MUST make him invest energy into the relationship. You MUST wait for him to do something even if it feels like watching the grass grow. (It is actually possible to be bored to death by a Taurus.) Tauruses are attracted on a sensual level, not sexual; whereas Leos are sexual, not sensual. Try to figure out the difference. Clue: If he’s not interested in you sensually, don’t even bother because nothing else matters.
Leo Woman and Aries Man Compatibility
Aries Man and Leo Woman Compatibility
This is an icy-hot combination, full of fun and adventure. To an outsider (actually to the other three element signs that are not fiery), it may look like they play pretty rough, but to them it’s fun. Have you ever seen someone get roasted on TV? This is fire sign territory. It takes a good, strong ego and the ability to laugh at yourself. The truth is, Aries and Leo won’t respect you unless you can stand up for yourself. When they push you, they expect you to shove back harder. This, of course, leads to great make-up sex.
Leo Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility
Leo Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility
This is one of the most romantic and workable combinations in the zodiac. Both Leo and Pisces love to fantasize and put their partners up on pedestals. Both are able to stay on pedestals once put there, too, oddly enough. These two can create and sustain an enduring lifelong romance that never tarnishes. They may not do so well with the practical aspects of career and marriage, but their connection to one another is likely to last forever.
Leo Man and Aquarius Woman Compatibility
Leo Man and Aquarius Woman Compatibility
The Leo man and Aquarius woman is actually a very explosive combination. It starts out as an Attraction of Opposites but it can wind up with two willful and demanding individuals hurling orders at each other, irate and outraged that their orders are not being obeyed. These two may have met their match. They may also polarize badly along another line. Both Leo and Aquarius are teenagers at heart. Leo is the teenager in love with love and Aquarius is the teenage rebel often without a cause. They may start out with the Aquarius woman acting as if she is in love, being drawn onto the stage by Leo, then waking up to reality and trying to turn it into her favorite thing of friendship. You can see it gets at odds very quickly.
Leo Man and Capricorn Woman Compatibility
Leo Man and Capricorn Woman Compatibility
In this couple the two signs of royalty meet, Leo and Capricorn. Leo is the king while Capricorn is the Head of State. What these two have in common is plenty enough for a whole lifetime. First they each prize their own character and reputation above everything else. They are honestly concerned about creating and maintaining a positive public image. They want to be dignified, trustworthy and responsible – with a little heroism thrown in at the Leo end. Secondarily, they want to earn the admiration of everyone around them — and they usually wind up doing just that. And last but not least, they share a desire to experience, own or entertain the finest things in life. They are quality people looking for quality in all things. For example, they are not as likely to use designer labels as those trusted and true products which have stood the test of time regardless of current trends. They come together for a very public life time. They ask to be judged as a couple. They are willing to work very hard to earn everything they have. They want to be proud of themselves, their home, their careers, their standing in the community and their offspring.
Leo Man and Sagittarius Woman Compatibility
Leo Man and Sagittarius Woman Compatibility
There’s some compatibility with Leo and Sagittarius because they are both fire signs, future oriented and enthusiastic about life but it’s not likely to be romantic enough for Leo in the long run. They may become best friends and running buddies instead which suits Sag but eventually will not work for Leo either. The virtues which are emphasized when these two team up are honesty, openness and good will. Each sign wears their heart on their sleeve and usually has nothing but the best of intentions towards others. Leo is a bit more formal and personal than Sag.
Leo Man and Scorpio Woman Compatibility
Leo Man and Scorpio Woman Compatibility
Think of the classiest erotic film you’ve ever seen and then cast these two in the leading roles. Imagine Antony and Cleopatra, MacBeth and his Lady, to name two Power/Prestige Couples. When Leo and Scorpio meet it’s all about undeniable pride, power and sex appeal. It can’t escape being a very showy and talked about affair. Leo has a way of bringing out the best in the Scorpion because when he is in love, he is absolutely faithful. She finds this disarming because she is so suspicious. She has been betrayed in the past and may even be a little embittered by nature. Of course she puts the lion to the test like she does all her men but … he keeps passing with flying colors until she realizes he really is as guileless as he seems. Leo loves first prize and she is sure to be one.
Leo Man and Libra Woman Compatibility
Leo Man and Libra Woman Compatibility
This relationship should work very nicely, but rarely does, and I will tell you why: The Leo man is basically looking for a loyal subject. In fact, Leos are famous for “marrying down.” They tend to choose a woman who is beneath them in some way so that they can be heroic and lift her out of whatever circumstances she’s in. This is, in essence, a noble inclination. However, there is not a Libra woman in this world who needs to be treated that way. Libra has a reputation of being indecisive, which is confused with being weak, but nothing could be farther from the truth. Libra is a cardinal sign. They may take their time coming to the right decision, but they are brilliant strategists and initiate when necessary. Your Libra woman is like the goddess Athena, who reigns over just wars, the wars that must be fought. Does this like sound somebody who needs to be lifted up anywhere? Libra might agree to be the power behind the throne, but not likely.
How to Attract a Libra Woman as a Leo Man: The best thing you can do for yourself, if you are smitten by a Libra woman, is to find ways to honor her intelligence. It must be an honest gesture. She can tell if you really respect her mind or not, and she will balk completely at being patronized. Chances are she is smarter than you anyway, so you might as well get used to it. Ask her advice and by all means do what she tells you to do, and you’ll pretty much have her in harness. It would help if you had a joint-venture to offer, such as starting a business interest together.
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