Link find out meaning of your:
❤ Psyche ❤
❤ Eros ❤
❤&❤ Compatibilities of Eros & Psyche ❤&❤
Psyche & Eros:
Asteroids of Sensitivity and Passion
The asteroid Psyche represents the principle of being psychically attuned and bonded to another human being. Often portrayed as a butterfly maiden, Psyche was born as a beautiful mortal, who in her search for reunion with her lover Eros (the Roman god Cupid), mastered heroic tasks set upon her by a wrathful mother, Aphrodite (Eros’s motYher). Through each undertaking, Psyche sensitized her internal telepathic channels. Depicting the soul’s journey from mortality to divinity, Psyche successfully transformed her earthly nature into that of a deity so that she could become the heavenly bride of Eros, god of erotic love. Their union produced children named Bliss, Pleasure, and Ecstasy. Together, their love has come to symbolize soul-mate union.
In perfecting the relationship progression of Lilith (the scorned mate) and Juno (the faithful Life Partner), Psyche represents the completion stage of the development of the feminine as a consort. Astrologically, Psyche is a higher octave of Venus, expressing a refinement of personal love and psychic atonement to another. Through following the path of Psyche, conscious relationship provides a path to spiritual illumination.h
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Olivia Palermo & Johannes Huebl |
When analyzed according to element, Psyche in an air sign depicts mental telepathy; in water, she implies empathy; in fire, she suggests the ability to control and direct energy fields; and in earth, she points to achievements in physical manifestation.
Psyche aspects connect the meaning of the contacted planet with a heightened awareness: with Uranus, she indicates precognition; with Chiron, she indicates abilities in psychic healing; and in Ceres, she can show how the individual can mirror skills in communicating with plants or children. In synastry, Psyche contacts describe points of intuitive knowing—and understanding—or total lack thereof—between individuals. Psyche-Eros contacts indicate the potential for soul-mate union.
Eros, god of erotic love, represents the principle of passionate desire. Mythologically, Eros was a primal, phallic god born out of Chaos (the Void) at the beginning of time. Embodying the masculine sexual force, he served as the generative masculine power which brought the world into creation. Thus, he manifested as the son of Mars and Venus in later Roman myths.
Astrologically, Eros functions as a higher octave of Mars. Eros was able to refine and transform his unconscious, instinctual sexual drive into erotic love as a path to spiritual illumination through his romance with Psyche. In classical Greece, Eros became a patron of homosexual love and can be one indicator of sexual preference. Beyond sexuality, Eros’ passion is experienced as simply “whatever turns you on, excites, or arouses.” Eros is also the powerful emotional force that motivates one toward consummating desires and visions.
In chart analysis, Eros serves as an indicator of one’s passion, sexual attraction, sexual preference, and vital energy. The Eros personality is marked by the need to continuously recreate the excitement of falling in and being in love. Hence, Eros by transit is a timer of sexual activity.
Stressful placements of Eros in the chart may describe potential difficulties in sexual potency and activity, frustrated passion, a depletion of vital force, or obsessive-compulsive attitudes toward love until the individual positively channels passion. Planetary contacts indicate that the individual will be “turned on” by the aspected planet: with Ceres, the passion is food; with Uranus, metaphysics, astrology, and music; with Saturn, a love of work. In synastry, Eros aspects signify sexual compatibility and the reciprocation of passion.
To find out your Eros and Psyche
˳̩̩̩͙ •̩̩̩͙ ˚̩̩̩͙ ˚̩̩̩͙ •̩̩̩͙ ˳̩̩̩͙✩ ˌ̩͙̍̍̍̊ ˌ̩̩̩͙̍̍̊ ˌ̩̩͙̍̊ ˌ̩̩̩̩͙̊ ˌ͙̍̊ ˌ̩̩̩̩͙̍̍̊ ˌ̩͙̍̍̍̊. ˳̩̩̩͙ •̩̩̩͙ ˚̩̩̩͙ ˚̩̩̩͙ •̩̩̩͙ ˳̩̩̩͙✩ˌ̩͙̍̍̍̊ ˌ̩̩̩͙̍̍̊ ˌ̩̩͙̍̊ ˌ̩̩̩̩͙̊ ˌ͙̍̊ ˌ̩̩̩̩͙̍̍̊ ˌ̩͙̍̍̍̊
his Eros and her Psyche in the same sign:

Wow! This is the classic love-at-first-sight scenario. So often it seems as though fate genuinely conspires to bring these two together under the most bizarre of circumstances. For example, she shouldn’t have been there that night but she was and so she met him. When these two soul mates get together, each feels as though they are somehow coming home, its similar to the sensation felt by a child, bored at a totally adult party, suddenly meeting another kid. No matter what the differences or even the geographical and cultural distance between them! They bond on the spot and forever at some level. Even if this duo meets but once, they will never forget one another and that encounter. And yet, this is the most likely relationship to go the distance, no matter what. Both people can’t help but immediately sense the significance of the chemistry between them. They can run and they can hide but never deny the attraction.
his Eros and her Psyche one sign away:
his Eros in: her Psyche in:
aries: taurus or pisces
taurus: aries or gemini
gemini: taurus or cancer
cancer: gemini or leo
leo: cancer or virgo
virgo: leo or libra
libra: virgo or scorpio
scorpio: libra or sagittarius
sagittarius: scorpio or capricorn
capricorn: sagittarius or aquarius
aquarius: capricorn or pisces
pisces: aquarius or aries
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Ready or not, these two mess with one another’s minds from the second they meet. They quite often start out with an official hate each other’s guts dynamic going on. They challenge each other to a strange ‘who are you really?’ duel of wits. Cosmically, they are destined to alter the others reality to such an extent that, no matter what happens, life will never be quite the same again. Oddly enough, they tend to meet via normal circumstances. Perhaps they have even heard mention of the other for some time and vowed something like ‘that person is so not me’! Yet, when they do meet up, they’re irritated yet intrigued. Someone says one little thing and the other is like ‘WHAT, did you say THAT? This liaison often lends itself to on-off-on–again shenanigans as each person must make huge adjustments to fit into the life path of the other – madly in love as they may be.
his Eros in: her Psyche in:
aries: gemini or aquarius
taurus: cancer or pisces
gemini: leo or aries
cancer: virgo or taurus
leo: libra or gemini
virgo: scorpio or cancer
libra: sagittarius or leo
scorpio: capricorn or virgo
sagittarius: aquarius or libra
capricorn: pisces or scorpio
aquarius: aries or sagittarius
pisces: taurus or capricorn
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@Groovy Lens Photographic Art / Diane Tisseur, Photographer |
his Eros in: her Psyche in:
aries: cancer or capricon
taurus: leo or aquarius
gemini: virgo or pisces
cancer: libra or aries
leo: scorpio or taurus
virgo: sagittarius or gemini
libra: capricorn or cancer
scorpio: aquarius or leo
sagittarius: pisces or virgo
capricorn: aries or libra
aquarius: taurus or scorpio
pisces: gemini or sagittarius
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Let’s be quite clear about this one. It so often kicks off when one or both of the lovers are otherwise involved. Or, for some reason the entire thing is utterly impossible. They meet, sense the heat and feel the fear. Each falls insanely in love and decides to ride it out like a kind of exotic flu. They frequently come across one another when every little thing goes against their romance. There is an initial encounter or two and then nothing. Yet something brings them back into contact with one another and it’s all on — ready or not! Should they be wild enough to go ahead with this rollercoaster romance, they become the couple to watch. Each eggs on the other to fully follow their bliss. They take up all the oxygen in any room – the passion, the bitchery, the ego-conflicts. The sheer heat generated by this pair bonding is beyond belief.
his Eros in: her Psyche in:
aries : leo or sagittarius
taurus: virgo or capricorn
gemini: libra or aquarius
cancer: scorpio or pisces
leo: sagittarius or aries
virgo: capricorn or taurus
libra: aquarius or gemini
scorpio: pisces or cancer
sagittarius: aries or leo
capricorn: taurus or virgo
aquarius: gemini or libra
pisces: cancer or scorpio
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his Eros opposite her Psyche
his Eros in: her Psyche in:
aries: libra
taurus: scorpio
gemini: sagittarius
cancer: capricorn
leo: aquarius
virgo: pisces
libra: aries
scorpio: taurus
sagittarius: gemini
capricorn: cancer
aquarius: leo
pisces: virgo
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Your friends suggest therapy as soon as possible but you don’t give a damn what the shrink thinks. Nobody from the outside ever really gets this love affair but the people involved don’t care. Not for one second. It is most likely to begin via an act of rebellion from one half of the pairing. Somehow, one of them is in riot about society and its expectations, so disillusioned and over love that it’s not funny. This romance pops up as the proverbial bolt from the blue and each heals the other. It can even materialize like this: a brief encounter, a few words spoken and someone heads home to his or her life, the practical details of being together on a day-to-day basis bore this pair. They often seem to wind up in a dynamic that encourages them to polarize like a long—-distance romance or some reason why they can’t be too involved with one another’s family. That’s how it goes. And, as you might expect, this is an attraction that can quickly blow over. But, when t doesn’t? It lasts forever and a day, and still nobody understands.
his Eros in: her Psyche in:
aries: virgo or scorpio
taurus: libra or sagittarius
gemini: scorpio or Capricorn
cancer: Sagittarius or aquarius
leo: capricorn or pisces
virgo: aquarius or aries
libra: pisces or taurus
scorpio: aries or gemini
sagittarius: taurus or cancer
capricorn: gemini or leo
aquarius: cancer or virgo
pisces: leo or libra
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Hello, you must be my husband! Wife? Whatever, this duo knows quick smart that they’re on or off. They either get it on from the start or neatly avoid each other. Another way of putting it is either there is no chemistry whatsoever between them or it is on from the literal second they see each other. If it’s an on situation they are so prone to skipping the usual courtship stage that it’s ludicrous. People can’t believe that these lovers haven’t known each other since child hood! They often even look similar. They are the couple most likely to nauseate others via an extreme public intimacy dynamic. Speech, gags and even sexual preferences seem like suddenly shared secrets. If one, the other, or both are accustomed to full-on tension between lovers, this relationship will freak them out at first. The comfort zoning is immense. Warning: if these two break up, they never really split up, you understand.
her Eros and his Psyche in the same sign:
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A single mad moment often defines this love affair, probably the one with the highest soulmating potential of all! The second these two encounter each other, there is no room for anyone else. Memories of past lovers flee from their suddenly addled minds. They realize immediately that nothing, no matter what the complications, is going to stand between them and their goal to fulfill this liaison. One of the most surreal aspects of this relationship is that one or both of the ‘adorees’ will have dreamt of it beforehand, perhaps even repeatedly. So it feels like it is the most déjà vu thing ever. There is often some sort of sign or significant something worn or uttered in the initial meeting and neither will ever forget this conversation. Ready or not, they meet and realize that this is likely to be one of the most significant romances of their lifetime! Another cosmic clue: they are destined to deeply inspire one another creatively.
her Eros and his Psyche one sign away
her Eros in: his Psyche in:
aries: taurus or pisces
taurus: aries or gemini
gemini: taurus or cancer
cancer: gemini or leo
leo: cancer or virgo
virgo: leo or libra
libra: virgo or scorpio
scorpio: libra or sagittarius
sagittarius: scorpio or capricorn
capricorn: sagittarius or aquarius
aquarius: capricorn or pisces
pisces: aquarius or aries
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These two enjoy a love affair that gets better and better with time. Gossipy, intimacy and shared dreams bring them closer together. Upon first meeting one another, they feel – if not a striking moment of lust – a strong sensation of friendship. It’s like the trust and familiarity of good mates is with them right from the start. There seems little need to explain much to each other. This is also the couple most likely to succeed together. They totally get one another’s mindset and let nothing erode their mutual loyalty. In fact, it is often work or business of some sort that brings them together at first. They weave around them a tight little web of friends and family, ensuring that their own romancing does not inhibit a broader social push. Together they are easily more than the sum of their parts. Astro ick factor: they could wind up vibing more like close siblings than lovers.
her Eros in: his Psyche in:
aries: gemini or aquarius
taurus: cancer or pisces
gemini: leo or aries
cancer: virgo or taurus
leo: libra or gemini
virgo: scorpio or cancer
libra: sagittarius or leo
scorpio: capricorn or virgo
sagittarius: aquarius or libra
capricorn: pisces or scorpio
aquarius: aries or sagittarius
pisces: taurus or scorpio
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@The Lee Hyori Thread |
Love comes quickly as neither party in this magical pair-bonding can believe their luck. They are often introduced by mutual friends who seem to sense their extreme compatibility well before this couple gets it. Somehow, a bizarre factor seems to come between these two at first – there is always a challenge to overcome. Perhaps the strong presence of an ex-lover? Domineering or disapproving family? Total fear of succumbing to the passion? Whatever it may be. The couple either race off in different directions (yet never quite forgetting the feelings evoked by the other) or become much closer by joining to dissolve the love obstacle. Get between these two at your own peril. More than any other type of couple, they deeply admire one another and will do whatever it takes to protect their romance from toxic emotions or outside interference.
her Eros in: his Psyche in:
aries: cancer or capricorn
taurus: leo or aquarius
gemini: virgo or pisces
cancer: libra or aries
leo: scorpio or taurus
virgo: sagittarius or gemini
libra: capricorn or cancer
scorpio: aquarius or leo
sagittarius: pisces or virgo
capricorn: aries or libra
aquarius: taurus or scorpio
pisces: gemini or sagittarius
These two are totally destined to meet and make a maximum impact upon one another. This cosmic scenario naturally makes for some tempestuous scenes a long with the classic make up/break up dynamic. Just as waves allow the ocean to craft a relentless change to a coastline, this relationship is about long-term transformations. These soulmates often have to face challenges to be with their lover and then the affair becomes its own pressure cooker of change. Its as if, despite their deep and abiding attraction toward one another, neither can be in the relationship as they are. The romance thus proves cathartic with each party ringing in profound changes: personality, belief, goals, lifestyle – even looks. The most instant manifestation of this so-destined love affair is that each person seems to beg in a process of metamorphosis. Some call it crazy love but this destined duo doesn’t give a damn.
her Eros in: his Psyche in:
aries: leo or sagittarius
taurus: virgo or capricorn
gemini: libra or aquarius
cancer: scorpio or pisces
leo: sagittarius or aries
virgo: capricorn or taurus
libra: aquarius or gemini
scorpio: pisces or cancer
sagittarius: aries or leo
capricorn: taurus or virgo
aquarius: gemini or libra
pisces: cancer or scorpio
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This tender romance has the potential to be the clingiest of all. Once pair-bonded, this couple can be almost inseparable. They literally find being parted from one another to be that irksome. Some have love at first sight, others get a bolt from the blue; peace relationships are often built on emotional or social togetherness before any passion sneaks in. This doesn’t mean there isn’t any excitement — it just means the tension builds to the heat of that first kiss. These guys know each other by the way each feels serene or kind of blessed out by the whole thing. Life itself seems to conspire to bring them together. Its as it they can see all the ‘fragile handle with care’ areas of other relationships or not only tread around them but actually heal the psychic scars from any ancient angst.
her Eros in: his Psyche in:
aries: virgo or scorpio
taurus: libra or sagittarius
gemini: scorpio or capricorn
cancer: sagittarius or aquarius
leo: capricorn or pisces
virgo: aquarius or aries
libra: pisces or taurus
scorpio: aries or gemini
sagittarius: taurus or cancer
capricorn: gemini or leo
aquarius: cancer or virgo
pisces: leo or libra
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Always evolving, this relationship is perpetual poetry in motion or a non -stop work in progress. It is as if each ‘adoree’ must make constant — if tiny — attitude adjustments in order to let the love affair shine. If one or the other gets too stuck in a certain paradigm the whole liaison starts to stall or, if they are not careful, bog down. It is amazing how often this romance is characterized by one of the parties loathing (or at least not much liking the other person. Yet, if this is the case, there will nonetheless be a kind of incessant buzz at the back of their mind. Once sighted, these guys are never out of one another’s minds. Another astro clue: they often meet each other at a time of personal crisis. The mutual emotion is like ‘Woah! Or now this! They are also highly likely to be a rebound affair – albeit one that may go on forever!
her Eros in: his Psyche in:
aries: libra
taurus: scorpio
gemini: sagittarius
cancer: capricorn
leo: aquarius
virgo: pisces
libra: aries
scorpio: taurus
sagittarius: gemini
capricorn: cancer
aquarius: leo
pisces: virgo
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The dynamic tension generated by this pairing is truly something to behold. Often they are officially the complete opposite of one another. No? Something is bound to be diametrically opposed. They get it on via an instant emotion of not ‘Wow, we are so similar’ but of ‘you complete me’. Happier than any other kind of couple to not just tolerate but relish the differences between them, they give one another ‘free to be me’ room. They’re also suave, modern or worldly about gender expression, caring not about who seems to be in charge’. Deeply private or a ways discreet, they keep the real passion or power politics to themselves, to be played out in private. This is because, cosmically, this duo always has something hot to be, er, worked through.
Link find out meaning of your:
❤ Psyche ❤
❤ Eros ❤
❤&❤ Compatibilities of Eros & Psyche ❤&❤
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ReplyDeleteWhat about her Eros and his Psyche in the same sign? It is the same as his Eros and her Psyche?
Hello Anonymous
ReplyDeleteNo his and her Eros and Psyche is diferent but in a way you can read both becasue its similar :) <3
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