One of those near ideal matches, both temper the other and bring out the best. In my opinion and experience, water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) need to stick with each other because of their depth and capacity for feeling plus their need to connect and bond, which the air, fire and earth people don’t understand. Water signs have the capacity to be deeply wounded if they interact with the more casual, utilitarian or “sporting” types. Furthermore, water signs never want to end anything so it can be a dream-come-true to find someone else who feels the same way. Many astrologers have written perceptively about how hard it is to be a “Dionysian” man, a Pisces male, in our culture. It is the very antithesis of hard logic and forthright action we associate with men. Having a strong, understanding Scorpio woman by your side can be a life saver, literally a lighthouse on the shores of a stormy sea. Whereas the soft, dreamy fish takes the sometime bitter vindictive edge off the scorpion’s sting. There may be no better match than this one.
ALL ABOUT : Astrology, mythological, fabled, fabulous, folkloric, fairy-tale, storybook; fantastical, imaginary, imagined, fictitious, storied, fictitious, make-believe, fantasy, vintage, Hollywood, actors, actress, singers, entertaiment, gods and goddeses, fabulous life style, FASHION ~ LOVE..........................: Nyxie LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS WORLD of W i T C h e r i *♥ ◡ ♥*
Showing posts with label Pisces. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pisces. Show all posts
Pisces Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility
Pisces Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility
This is one combination where two of the same sign does not mean too much of the same thing. Pisces is a world unto itself and you might say that only one Pisces can understand another. A vast ocean of compatibility flows between these two people, a wordless communion, poetry in motion, the merging of two souls, and a sense of completion.
Pisces Man and Aquarius Woman Compatibility
Aquarius Woman and Pisces Man Compatibility
Pisces and Aquarius have a lot more in common than it might seem. However, there is bound to be a role reversal. One thing you have to understand about an Aquarian is that they will always elevate friendship over love, which could be bewildering to the Pisces man. The Pisces man should realize that friendship is religion to an Aquarian woman. She means to compliment you by calling you her best friend, and you will have to make a translation of the light.
Pisces Man and Capricorn Woman Compatibility
Capricorn Woman and Pisces Man Compatibility
This is one of those combinations that could make a very boring date but a heavenly marriage, so the sucess of the pairing will depend on the timing and life plan of the individuals. Deep down inside, every Pisces man is so lost and confused that he dreams of someone to get him organized, pin him to the ground, make him feel secure, and give him a reason to be here now. Capricorn women are able to supply an ample amount of motherliness with a business-like attitude which can line up a Pisces man and get him marching – for the good of both. It it not always thrilling to be around a Capricorn woman, but you always feel safe and secure. You know the bills are paid, the food will be on the table at 6:00, the kids will be clean and mannerly, and the 401(k) is building behind the scenes. This, to a Pisces man, is a little bit of heaven.
Pisces Man and Sagittarius Woman Compatibility
Sagittarius Woman and Pisces Man Compatibility
There isn’t a lot of glue to keep these two together. Both are humanitarian, involved in the world at large, good folks round and round who may bump into each other through shared activities such as Habitat for Humanity or the local homeless shelter, but when did philosophy ever hold a marraige together? These two have a lot to talk about but will probably not want to spend a lot of time together. The overwhelming allure of the Pisces man (second only to Scorpio) can be utterly lost on the Sagittarius woman who seems impervious to his magical charm.
Pisces Man and Scorpio Woman Compatibility
Scorpio Woman and Pisces Man Compatibility
One of those near ideal matches, both temper the other and bring out the best. In my opinion and experience, water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) need to stick with each other because of their depth and capacity for feeling plus their need to connect and bond, which the air, fire and earth people don’t understand. Water signs have the capacity to be deeply wounded if they interact with the more casual, utilitarian or “sporting” types. Furthermore, water signs never want to end anything so it can be a dream-come-true to find someone else who feels the same way. Many astrologers have written perceptively about how hard it is to be a “Dionysian” man, a Pisces male, in our culture. It is the very antithesis of hard logic and forthright action we associate with men. Having a strong, understanding Scorpio woman by your side can be a life saver, literally a lighthouse on the shores of a stormy sea. Whereas the soft, dreamy fish takes the sometime bitter vindictive edge off the scorpion’s sting. There may be no better match than this one.
Pisces Man and Libra Woman Compatibility
Libra Woman and Pisces Man Compatibility
Peace and harmony. That’s what this couple is all about. An ideal aesthetic at work between them brings these two signs together at a very deep level. They want everything to be beautiful; these two tender souls can pull it off. They bring out the ethereal in each other.
How to Attract a Libra Woman as a Pisces Man: To win this intellectual lady you must court a little more systematically than your nature. She is a romantic but also a logical thinker who will analyze your every move. To her everything is calculated. If you see her for three Saturdays in a row and then miss the next one without explanation, she’ll want to know why. If you date her once a week for a month, then twice a week for a month then three times a week for a month, she’ll need an interpretation for that, too. I know you don’t think this way, try to see that she does. They were concocted by a Libra woman, so please acquaint yourself with and then follow them. All your dreamy, lovely little nothings will come to just that, nothing, if you fail to follow communicate with the Libra in her language.
Pisces Man and Virgo Woman Compatibility
Virgo Woman and Pisces Man Compatibility
Pisces Man and Leo Woman Compatibility
Leo Woman and Pisces Man Compatibility
This is one of the most romantic and workable combinations in the zodiac. Both Leo and Pisces love to fantasize and put their partners up on pedestals. Both are able to stay on pedestals once put there, too, oddly enough. This combination can create and sustain an enduring lifelong romance that never tarnishes. They may not do so well with the practical aspects of career and marriage, but their connection to one another is likely to last forever.
Pisces Man and Cancer Woman Compatibility
Cancer Woman and Pisces Man Compatibility
Pisces and Cancer make a beautiful combination. These are some of the most romantic couples we know. They are both water signs and connect through a feeling vibration, making words unnecessary. There is an unspoken bond that keeps them together through sorrow, pain, and ecstasy. One caveat: if gone bad, there can be drug problems due to the escapism they bring out in one another.
Pisces Man and Taurus Woman Compatibility
Taurus Woman and Pisces Man Compatibility
This is a great combination, surprisingly as it does not fall into any of the regular patterns of complementarity. Taurus, the simplest sign, pairs up with Pisces, the most complicated sign and somehow a compromise is reached that brings peace and harmony. There is a secret alchemical formula with this pairing which permits Pisces to build castles on sand.
Pisces Man and Aries Woman Compatibility
Aries Woman and Pisces Man Compatibility
The world of Pisces is a strange and wonderful place and it is never stranger than to an Aries. You may enjoy this relationship more as the stuff fantasy is made of than trying to pursue it in reality. Both signs are extremely romantic but in very different ways. Read on…
Pisces Woman and Pisces Man Compatibility
Pisces Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility
This is one combination where two of the same sign does not mean too much of the same thing. Pisces is a world unto itself and you might say that only one Pisces can understand another. A vast ocean of compatibility flows between these two people, a wordless communion, poetry in motion, the merging of two souls, and a sense of completion.
Pisces Woman and Aquarius Man Compatibility
Aquarius Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility
These two can be as happy as can be together, like two stars in a universe of galaxies. The worlds they inhabit — mentally and psychically — are so vast and cosmic it actually becomes self-defeating to talk about them. They both understand the necessity of focusing on other aspects of reality in a don’t-go-there sort of way. They will appreciate a small world that they build together because it is safe and reliable and mundane in the very best sense of the word. Think of the relief of the galactic traveler when he finally finds a place to hang his hat and call it home. They do not deny the existence of other realities; they just appreciate not having to deal with it when they are together. The problem is that Aquarius is cerebral and Pisces is soulful. This works in a young couple for a first marriage. It becomes more problematical later in life. It can push both of them in to a new center of unified integrity, but that is rare. They just are doomed to worship at separate altars.
Pisces Woman and Capricorn Man Compatibility
Capricorn Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility
This couple conjures up all the deep romance of “Phantom of the Opera” or the classic “Beauty and the Beast” with a little of the better parts of “King Kong” thrown in. A Pisces woman is probably every Capricorn’s dream lover. You see, deep down inside, every Capricorn guy feels at least a little like a hairy beast with horribly lustful desires and he is completely disarmed by the fairy like ethereal qualities of numinous Pisces. The erotic tension is unmistakable as well. It is sheer magic if she is 5-10 years younger. Unfortunately, sometimes the relationship veers off into sado-masochistic territory if the partners aren’t well balanced like “The Secretary”.
Pisces Woman and Sagittarius Man Compatibility
Sagittarius Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility
This relationship is fraught with difficulties because basically each partner has an issue with narrowing down the playing field and then tries to blame it on the other. There wind up being so many other people present in the relationship, it’s like Grand Central Station. Sagittarius wanders off far afield and Pisces’ fur flies. He’s looking for a casual “let’s hang out together” kind of thing and she’s looking for a dream lover. There’s no focus. Over time both partners tend to dissipate energy aimlessly and pull each other down making it hard to create the kind of successes that pull people together through the years. The relationship tends to fall apart from a nonexistent or even imaginary center. The best time for it is two people in college together.
Pisces Woman and Scorpio Man Compatibility
Scorpio Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility
This can be a match made in heaven. Though a little uncomfortable for Pisces, this pairing allows her to worry, fret and make the kind of little sacrifices she finds natural. She brings out the very best in the Scorpio man, too. He’ll be protective and compassionate. These two are likely to become securely and deeply bonded. What more could two Water signs ask for?
Pisces Woman and Libra Man Compatibility
Libra Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility
This is a very sweet combination that works best when the Pisces is a bit younger than the Libra and when Libra has proven the ability to handle the basics of life, such as managing a checkbook, owning property, obtaining a car, etc., etc. This is because sweet Pisces can be so lost in the woods. Someone has to be grounded. One of you has to know where you’re going and how you’re going to get there. You will be attracted to one another because of your love of beautiful things — including perhaps each other, as these are two signs inclined to be very attractive. You both prefer a soothing environment with harmonious vibes, soft voices, soft lighting, and soft landings.
Pisces Woman and Virgo Man Compatibility
Virgo Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility
Virgo man and Pisces woman is one of the most challenging combinations in the zodiac. The attraction can be very strong, but for all the wrong reasons. As you know, the Virgo-Pisces Axis has to do with mental health and pycho-soma (mind-body) connections. Further, Virgo is the sign that is associated with order and correctness while Pisces is associated with chaos and Dionysian frenzy of the emotions. Lastly, there is a tendency in young marriages for men to project all of their emotional issues on to the woman they choose. Virgo is actually defending against chaos which means he is vulnerable to emotional upset and disorders because nowhere in life is there order except that which is imposed. Pisces lives in a world of natural chaos and is typically happy there, but if and when a Virgo man who is uptight or one-dimensional (a common characteristic) chooses a Pisces women because she is somewhat out-of-control and drifting in a sea of emotion, they can polarize badly. A common archetype would be Socrates and his wife Xantippe. The more rational and logical Socrates became, or tried to become, the crazier and wilder Xantippe became, until she became the epitome of the shrieking, hysterical woman. Not every Virgo man and Pisces woman will play this out but the name of the game can be “Who’s Got the Mental Illness?”
Pisces Woman and Leo Man Compatibility
Leo Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility
This is one of the most romantic and workable combinations in the zodiac. Both Leo and Pisces love to fantasize and put their partners up on pedestals. Both are able to stay on pedestals once put there, too, oddly enough. These two can create and sustain an enduring lifelong romance that never tarnishes. They may not do so well with the practical aspects of career and marriage, but their connection to one another is likely to last forever.
How to Attract a Leo Man as a Pisces Woman: He wants to be your hero. Please let him. This Leo man is a genuine knight in shining armor, a traditionalist who will want to carry on a genuine courtship, and you must play your part. The biggest turn off would be to chase him. He honestly wants to win your hand. You can be sure that if he is dating you he is seriously interested in a future with you. Leos don’t play games.
Degree of Romance: Both parties crave romance and know how to play their roles perfectly. There is sure to be an abundance of candlelight dinners, beautiful bouquets, and tasteful sentimental gifts to Pisces carefully chosen by Leo to make the best impression possible.
Degree of Passion: Pisces will bring out the passion in Leo. He is, after all, a fire sign, and showing appreciation for his ardor only fuels the fire. You are an audience for him, don’t forget. The nice thing about Mr. Leo’s passion is that it never overtakes his reason. His head really rules his heart. There will be drama, but it’s not all an act.
Degree of Friendship: Pisces and Leo make wonderful friends. There is a sense of innocence and naïveté that pervades their joint exploration of the world. They both have the ability to create fantasy explanations for everyday matters, which is a special bond between them.
Degree of Marriage: It might be better to leave this as a romance. The perils of marriage could be a crash down into reality. Ms. Pisces probably needs more tenderness than Mr. Leo can provide, and the lion needs more stimulation and confrontation than the fish can dish out. What happens when the rose colored glasses fall off?
Progression of Relationship: The relationship is likely to run very smoothly from the beginning. Pisces will acquiesce to anything Leo wants, and Leo is comfortable taking the lead. Problems develop after a while when Leo gets bored and Pisces, feeling unfulfilled, starts to wonder.
When It’s Over: When it’s over it’s probably because Pisces cheated or Leo lost his patience. There are likely to be very hurt feelings, not to mention hurt pride. Neither sign is vindictive but both can feel quite forlorn and discouraged after a failure. They will need time to nurse their wounds before getting back out there again.
Our Rating: 6/10
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