Leo Seduction

Seduction of Leo

To Seduce an Leo Man 
The type of woman who attracts the Leo man is one that they can feel proud to be seen with -- one who makes them look good just by having her on his arm. A woman who`s gorgeous or dramatic or regal or aloof turns them on. They are in the habit of choosing their partner more for good looks or popularity than for true love compatibility. It is particularly important for Leo men to feel that they receive the proper amount of respect from their chosen mate, and that they can therefore respect her in return. They expect loyalty, and need to feel appreciated all the time. Feeling ignored or unappreciated makes Leo men feel insecure, so they can be enticed by a woman who flatters them constantly. Leos also like to be in the driver`s seat, and dislike women who are too bossy. 

To Seduce an Leo Woman 
The right man for the job of taming the Leo lioness is one who radiates warmth and shows his affection in a physical way. They are even more interested if he happens to be rich or famous or powerful or gorgeous (or all of the above) so that she can share the spotlight with her new love. A man who commands respect, and a man who is generous (and can afford to be), will definitely appeal to her. Leo women like men who admire and praise them, and a fine face and beautiful body definitely get their attention. Shallow? You bet -- and Leo women wouldn`t have it any other way. Actually, Leo women can also be drawn to sensitive, creative types such as actors, artists, musicians, or performers -- as long as they are also successful in the eyes of society. 

MANY THANKS TO DE LOVELY :http://horoscopes.proastro.com/

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