Scorpio 2014 Horoscope

Scorpio Symbol
Scorpio Symbol (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Scorpio 2014 Astrology Predictions

Here are the Scorpio 2014 Astrology Predictions.
There could be unexpected and unusual events punctuating your year. With March, June and September highlighted. Lucky breaks, twists of a fate and spooky coincidences will add up to an interesting and eventful year. Your star sign of Scorpio should be shining brightly as you embrace the changes these events will mean.Financially you should see a good year – better than the previous couple of years. By the end of the year you may find you are able to build up some savings or afford that vacation you’ve been hoping for.Your Zodiac horoscope predictions include some instability, particularly in terms of your relationships, but you do have the wherewithal to overcome this. 

Scorpio 2014 Astrology - Couples
Love, Romance and Relationships

If you are in a long term or committed relationship you may find this year unstable. Over expectation and heavy demands from your partner may cause rifts as you will feel increasingly unable to meet their needs and wants. Discussions about what realistically you can give in terms of time, energy and emotional support will need to be made if this relationship is to progress.


Scorpio 2014 Astrology - Singles
Love, Romance and Relationships

Your Scorpio star sign attracting energy should be strongest around your birth date and you are very likely to attract a fellow Scorpion. If you’ve dabbled in distant or online relationships and dating sites, then meeting up in person could give you some unexpected surprises. 


Scorpio 2014 Astrology - Career,
Business and Professional Life

Jealousy from others may hinder your progress, so keep your cards close to your chest and don’t reveal your ideas, intentions or plans to co-workers too soon. Go straight to the top and you should get the recognition you are hoping for.If you are hoping for increased responsibility, improvements in pay or more authority then the spring months are the perfect time to show your skills to their best advantage. 



Scorpio 2014 Astrology - Health, Wellbeing and Strength

Previously undiagnosed and unidentified allergies may cause problems for you this year. Stricter control of your diet and avoidance of junk food may be needed if you are to achieve optimum health.Look at your pillow and mattress to prevent back ache or neck pain.

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