Aquarius Man and Aries Woman
Famous Aries-Aquarius Couples: Shannon Doherty and Rick Saloman, Liz Sheridan and James Dean![]() |
James Dean and Liz Sheridan |
If you are a strong individual and looking for a mirror, this is your best bet in the zodiac. Courage, will, intention, and commitment are personified in this combination of energies. It works especially well if you are both community activists or targeted on some futuristic goal that will make the world a better place. The key words here are future and goal.
To compromise willingly is tough. But if the Aquarius man and the Aries woman learn to do this, they will be a happy couple. The key to a strong foundation in the life of this wonderful couple is to make way for each other and not let the ego's play havoc. Though it is easier said than done, unlike most other couples, the Aquarius man and the Aries woman will be able to accomplish this feat and make the most of their companionship.
With strong qualities of the Aquarius man, the Aries woman will find herself in a soup for she will not know how to react to him and his ways. The Aquarius man is independent and strong, he is always willing to go the extra mile for his loved ones and will make sure that his life will mean something when he is gone. He is headstrong and determined, unlike the Aries woman, who is easy going. Such differences may create tiffs in the couple, but nothing of the magnitude that they will not be able to endure.
The Aries woman, though naive is a good fit for the Aquarius man. She is quite malleable, unlike her partner and with that quality she can manage to eradicate many troubles from their lives. She is also very witty and is an intellectual which is a good combination for the Aquarius man for he likes to be around woman who are more than just 'beautiful on the outside'. Their compatibility will show on emotional as well as physical levels and if you spot two people in serious conversation in a party, you can be sure that it will be the Aquarius-Aries couple.
Though they are very strong individually, their personalities melt into one when they are together. The Aries woman is quite powerful in her own right when she is on her own and same is the case with her Aquarius man. However, their wit and intellect will overlap and give the world a chance to look at how wonderful a couple can be together.
The Aquarius man and his Aries woman may spot trouble quite often in their relationship. One might argue that so is the case with almost all the couples on the planet. However, though they will have fights and troubles looming over their relationship, the couple will manage to stand out of it. They will make a conscious effort to be together and when they succeed, they will see how good they are together
How to Attract an Aquarius Man as an Aries woman: If your target is that interesting Aquarius over there, you’d best be interesting yourself. And if you possibly can, dare to be different. Your Aquarius male will respect your individuality. He is likely to be gender neutral in his appreciation of your capabilities and willing to give you complete respect if you earn it. Plus, you will get extra points for being forthright and daring in your opinions.
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James Dean and Liz Sheridan |
Degree of Romance: This relationship does not exactly rock the boat romantically. The emphasis is likely to be on common causes or a shared world view. Aquarius, though loyal, tends to be cerebral. And Aquarius by its very nature prefers the equality of friendship over a relationship which elevates one woman above all others. She may indeed have his whole heart and undiluted loyalty, but he will be reluctant to admit that even to himself because of his egalitarian beliefs.
Degree of Passion: There is a possibility of great passion and devotion in this relationship; however, it will be to a common cause not to each other. If she wants to win his heart and keep it, she should get interested in the things that put stars in his eyes. He’ll have to yield some of his goals to create shared activities, but its doubtful that he will. You pretty much have to take an Aquarius as you find them.
Degree of Marriage: This is an unlikely combination for a marriage. It could turn into a lifelong live in situation as neither sign particularly likes to be put on a leash.
Progression of Relationship: Aquarian men are noted for being busy or elsewhere. Even when he is with you physically his mind may be otherwise engaged. So if you’re a lady ram who really wants someone to hold your hand in the moonlight, better count this guy out. The relationship will progress in fits and starts. Aquarians all seem to have an on/off switch, and as I have said before, he will have a plate full of activities and responsibilities that he takes just as seriously (but not more seriously) than her. Life with an Aquarian can be a three ring circus, and that’s a plus for an active, secure Aries gal.
Sex: Sex can be quite kinky with Aquarius which is just fine with an Aries who is a “ good sport.” When Aquarius hauls out the gear and low voltage electrical devices Aries’ passion goes over the top.This is another winning love match! Both the Aries woman and the Aquarius man love to explore and neither sign cares very much about the status quo – the Aries woman prefers to create her own world while the Aquarius man will break apart any world that does not suit his needs.The Aries woman finds the Aquarius man’s revolutionary ways exciting and the Aquarius man appreciates the Aries woman’s independence since it complements his own need for individuality. Both signs value their freedom and sexually there will be plenty of experimentation!
Aquarius Manand Taurus Woman Compatibility
Famous Taurus-Aquarius Couples: Uma Thurman and Arpad Brusson; Valerie Bertinelli and Eddie Van Halen; Nora Ephron and Carl Bernstein.
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Arpad Busson and Uma Thurman |
The Aquarius man and Taurus woman work together as a team rather than showcase individual differences. They act upon each other's strength and can achieve almost anything. Taurus women like their lives to be well planned and adhere to planning and precession, whilst the Aquarius man is the exact opposite.
The Aquarius man displays immense honesty and truthfulness in a relationship and enjoys taking it slow. Given that a Taurus woman expects the same level of honesty in her partner, the Aquarius man proves to be a fantastic match for the Taurus woman. A master of his own, the Aquarius man does not appreciate being told around and are only happy and fulfilled when they have the liberty to follow their own ways. He is also very relaxed in his approach to life and is easy going as opposed to the Taurus woman who is very uptight about certain aspects of life.. The differences between the Aquarius man and Taurus woman seep into their personal lives as well because whilst the Taurus woman enjoys a laid back day at home, the Aquarius man wishes to spend the day outside. The Taurus woman considers sex as a display of intimate emotions where as the Aquarius man looks at it as a means of satisfying his physical needs. This can cause severe conflict between the two as they both perceive sex in two opposite ways.
The Aquarius man and Taurus woman fail to see eye to eye on various important matters of day to day life. This causes trouble in the household and a difference of opinion in the most critical circumstances. Though every couple in a relationship face their due share of conflict, the Aquarius man and Taurus woman are unfortunate to deal with what is in store for them due to their contrasting opinions.
However, all their differences should not deter the Aquarius man and Taurus woman to spend their lives together as once identified, these issues can be worked upon mutually with consideration and awareness of the same. If the Aquarius man learns to accept the compulsive nature of the Taurus woman and in return, if she learns to be relatively laid back and relaxed, chances of their success increase manifold.
The friendship that the Aquarius man and Gemini woman share is bold, controversial and indomitable. This couple shares many similar characteristic and this could be one of the reasons why their attraction for each other is so evident. The Aquarius man and Gemini woman are both social butterflies, in that, they both love to go out, socialize and be merry. Neither will be discouraged when the other brings up a suggestion to spend an adventurous weekend away from the daily mundane hustles of everyday life. It won't be surprising to note that the Aquarius man and the Gemini woman are the sole couple in the zodiac who always have plans for the weekends.
Since the Aquarius man is independent he will understand if his Gemini woman makes demands to retain her freedom as well. The couple is often on the same wavelength regarding most issues in life and thus is quite compatible with each other. This also avoids unnecessary conflicts in the relationship which makes it relatively more peaceful than most other couples in the zodiac. Even though the Gemini woman has a compulsive side to her behavior, it will not become an issue with the Aquarius man. He believes in giving each individual the required space in the relationship, a quality that builds the foundation of this relationship. The Aquarius man is physically attractive and charming as is the Gemini woman. They will both be attracted to each other initially only through their appearances but once they get to know each other better , they will realize that their relationship runs deeper than superficial beauties. The Aquarius man and the Gemini woman will share a very deep and satisfying friendship which will slowly but surely culminate into a wonderful relationship. They will both be very successful in retaining their individual characteristics without hampering their life as a couple .This will ensure that the Aquarius man and the Gemini woman will stay true to their selves, from the beginning to the end.
Despite their compatibility, the couple will face problems in their lives. This is inevitable as it is an occurrence with almost all the couples across the globe. The problem that will set apart this couple from the rest of the group is that their fights may culminate into a disastrous end for them or make them doubly stronger. What they do with their fights and the lessons they learn from it determine how their lives will be shaped in the future.
How to Attract a Taurus Woman as an Aquarius Man: If you are intersested in a Taurus lady who has her own finances, you have a good shot of wooing her with your glamorous lifestyle. She spends a lot of time doing simple things like housework, gardening, sewing, paying the bills, cooking, and shaving her legs. Your causes and vast network of interesting “friends” can really be attractive to her if she’s got a stable life of her own she can always go back to. Be respectful of her needs and take the time to explain things to her carefully and you should find that she is willing to join you on some exciting adventures.
Degree of Romance: It is hard to be romantic with an Aquarius because he puts the value on friendship. When he refers to her as “best friend” the lady bull may not understand the complement fully. This man is not into flowers, candy, handholding or special feelings. All Aquarians seem to have a time space issue where they crowd as much as they possibly can into each hour of every day. She has got to be prepared to get up early and go to bed late if you want to keep up with this dynamo. Of course, this leaves little or no time for romance, which he will consider a complete and utter waste of time.
Degree of Passion: Both these signs are capable of intense focus which passes for passion; however, it will be toward, in the case of Taurus, material possessions, and in the case of Aquarius, The Cause. They can lead two separate lives if they get to know each other well enough, and it will be very helpful if Taurus shows some passion his projects.
Degree of Friendship: This is one sign combination that can have a high degree of genuine friendship (which Aquarians value above everything else). He has a humanitarian streak and code of honor that insists he devote himself to the well-being of his fellow traveling companions on the planet. She will have to extend herself a little. It will help if she can hook up with some people in his network (again, to show support for his cause). Tauruses are not unfriendly but the act of extending herself is not necessarily natural.
Progression of Relationship: This relationship has a lot of pushing and shoving in a psychic sense. Each is bossy and thinks they know how to make progress. Taurus is possessive, and she has a long list of activities and even duties that she expects the Aquarian to do, whereas Aquarius is always interested in closure so he can move on to other things. If he is interested in her, he may try to rope and tie the lady bull so he can get back to the rest of the rodeo.
Sex: The Taurus woman and Aquarius man are both fixed signs so stubborn ways of thinking and living are bound to create tension in this love match.The Taurus woman craves stability whereas the Aquarius man thrives on the unpredictable. This relationship can only work if both partners are fully committed. The Taurus woman must learn to seduce her Aquarius man’s mind and he must appreciate his lady’s desire for physical stimulation above intellectual.The sex between these two signs can be fulfilling in both body and mind if both are willing to give a little before they receive pleasure. Taurus wonders how you can have sex outside your body, where Aquarius invented virtual sex long before the Internet came around. It’s not that Aquarians believe in fantasies, but they are capable of communing with the others in a sort of Vulcan mind merge. The energy connection is satisfying to the Aquarian and substitutes nicely for two bodies meeting. Naturally, this is not going to go over well with the Taurus at all, but then she is perfectly capable of satisfying herself if it comes to that.
When It’s Over: Most of the fireworks inherent in this combination will come at the end. Taurus has a spectacular temper and Aquarians are able to stomp off on a dime. The willfulness of each sign makes compromise difficult and explosions inevitable. Taurus may think she owns the Aquarian, which is a disaster waiting to happen since you can’t control an Aquarian whatsoever. Any Aquarian worth his salt knows that all he has to do is leave to assert his famous independence. I have an image of a magician handing an empty hat to a bystander who shakes his head saying, “Where did he go? Where did he go?”
Our Rating: 2/10
Aquarius Man and Gemini Woman Compatibility
Famous Gemini-Aquarius Couples: Heidi Klum and Seal, Dixie Carter and Hal Holbrook, Ida and William McKinley.
These two may be a curiosity to everyone else but really pretty happy
together. Gemini is able to light Aquarius up and draw him more into
life. Both the Aquarius man and the Gemini woman have a basically
detached view of reality, a love of people, and an innate
gregariousness. In fact, there may be so many people involved in their
lives, that they hardly ever find themselves alone with one another,
which can be fun.
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Heidi Klum and Seal |
How to Attract a Gemini Woman as an Aquarius Man: The problem is not attracting her so much as in keeping her. Unless you do something to make her know that she is special to you, she will think that she is just one of your many friends (you have many friends of both genders). It will help if there is some diversity involved, for example, if you two are different ages, cultures, or if there’s a difference in economic circumstances. You will enjoy her quick mind and broad variety of interests, and will rely on that during courtship. Find out what the Gemini woman is interested in and cultivate the same territory if possible.
How to Attract an Aquarius Man as a Gemini Woman: No one can control an Aquarius, and no one can predict their behavior. All you can do is hope. On the contrary, don’t be afraid to try anything. It might help, and at any rate he won’t hold it against you.
Degree of Passion: This can be a surprisingly passionate relationship. The shadow side of Aquarius is passionate to the hilt. If he really wants her, he will win her over by utterly sweeping her off your feet. The fact that she always has one little foot out the door just makes the game more exciting.
Degree of Friendship: Aquarius has the reputation of being friendly, but if you look around, you will find that they usually don’t have many friends at all. Gemini — on the other hand — is everybody’s running buddy. So this relationship may be especially meaningful to the Aquarian because it provides the Aquarius man with a friend.
Degree of Marriage: This makes a good marriage, although it may seem unconventional to the outsider. Both parties need a lot of space and may need different rooms, separate friends, work in different towns, separate vacations — but they will understand that about one another. The Aquarius man will be endlessly fascinated by the Gemini woman (never a dull moment) and Gemini will respect Aquarius’ intelligence. Aquarius men are very loyal in their own fashion and make good husbands.
Progression of Relationship: There is no telling what’s going to happen, which is part of the fun when an Aquarian man and a Gemini woman pair up. Much of the courtship may take place in room crowded with friends and shared activities. These are two of the busiest people in the zodiac, both famous for multi-tasking — don’t be insulted if she’s constantly on her cell phone. Because of their need of space, they may rely more than other couples on texting and IM. Aquarius will keep the relationship on track.
Sex: Intellectual sparks fly with this love match! The mental attraction is obvious from the first date. The Gemini woman will go weak in the knees over her Aquarius mans visionary and progressive ideas. The Aquarius man will adore his Gemini woman’s twinkle and youthful exuberance in learning something new every day. Sexually, the Aquarius man gets the meaning of what his Gemini woman’s indecisiveness. She’s not sure what she wants or how she wants it so he just gives her his own unique love formula – and it works!
They’ll delight as they talk in detail about what they’re experiencing during sex and this couple will certainly be the great inventors in the bedroom! The relationship may include phone sex, videotaping and other, shall we say, electronic tools for enhancement. Aquarius males can be pretty quirky, and Gemini females are willing to go along with just about anything. The Gemini woman’s basic attitude toward sex is “I can’t believe I’m really doing this.” Look for a lot of innovation. There certainly will be nothing routine about it. It also inclines towards an on-off switch. A lot of days can go by with the off switch, but that just makes on time that much more exciting.
When It’s Over: When it’s over, he will find out that she never really committed in the first place, but went along for the ride. This means there will be no hard feelings on her part and the decision is up to him. Gemini women are quite likely to have extra-curricular activities, which takes the pressure off monogamous relationships, but Aquarians are monogamous by nature, and this may not be immediately obvious when they start out.
Our Rating: 8/10
Cancer Woman and Aquarius Man Compatibility
Famous Cancer-Aquarius Couples: Nancy and Ronald Reagan, Natalie Wood and Robert Wagner, Anne Morrow and Charles Lindbergh.
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Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan |
The Cancer woman is mysterious to an extent because she prefers keeping her true self to herself. She does not let out her emotions and feelings as easily as the Aquarius man does. For this reason, she is often perceived to be arrogant and egoistic. However, if one were to look deeper, they would see that she is a warm, gentle and hospitable person. She is very gracious and kind- hearted which is what works in her advantage when she is in a relationship. The Aquarius man however, is his own person and wouldn't care less about the strings that come attached in a relationship
However, when an Aquarius man is in a relationship, you can expect him to be loyal and honest only if he is given the freedom to enjoy his space. He will retaliate strongly, if he feels that his independence is threatened by an outsider and will not react favorably. If the Cancer woman understands this nature, she will be in a better position to handle the relationship.
The Aquarius man is very practical and strong headed about the decisions he takes in his life, whereas the Cancer woman isn't. She allows her heart to rule her mind and make the decisions and this is where most of their brew. In sharp contrast to the caner woman's hospitable personality, the Aquarius man portrays characteristics such as aloofness in day to day life.
Though these differences cause quite a lot of concern for the Aquarius man and the Cancer woman it does not pose a serious threat to their relationship. This is because both the Aquarius man and Cancer woman are intelligent and knowledgeable creatures who know how to work around their differences for mutual benefit, trust and happiness.
She will attract him with her feminine ways and eventually drive him crazy with those same wiles. These two signs could not be more different. They are in quincunx relation to one another which makes it very hard to reconcile their differences. The Cancer woman has a very personal feeling connection with a few people and the small world around her, perhaps to include her mother, husband, and children, but not much more. The Aquarius man looks at the world from a broad vista, tends to live one generation in the future, and is concerned about the future of the species more than the progress or any one individual. You see the conflict. This relationship can work if the Cancer woman stays at home and tends the hearth and the Aquarius man puts his energy into a career that is devoted to the bigger picture.
Degree of Romance: This can be a very romantic combination because the gender identity in each case is so strong. Aquarians tend to be very manly men and Cancers are the ultimate feminine energy. She will play the damsel in distress and he will feel good about solving her problems so easily with his brilliant mind.
Degree of Friendship: There is little to base a friendship on in this relationship. The Cancer woman is interested in bonded intimacy, such as parent, husband, or children. The Aquarius man, although he has a reputation of being so friendly, is usually pretty much alone in the world. Neither sign particularly values friendship, and neither has the skills to develop it. But there is no need for friendship in this relationship because it is so strong in other ways.
Progression of Relationship: The Aquarius man will be very business-like in moving the relationship forward if he is seriously interested. If not, there is nothing you can do about it. The Cancer woman will feel surprisingly secure as the relationship develops because, relative to other men, the Aquarian man is so transparent. It can quickly evolve into cozy nights in front of the TV or her doing the laundry while he gets on the Internet. Conversation is not the strong point of either, yet they are able to develop much rapport.
Sex: The Aquarian man will tend to draw great emotional support from having sex with a Cancer woman. It may make him, in fact, insatiable. In sex with her, he finds everything that was missing in his life. She is quite receptive to him and silently understands what he needs. Sex between these two is a very intimate and positive thing.This will be a challenging relationship if it even gets past the first date. This match does have the makings of a hot and fast affair. The Cancer woman needs security and knows her Aquarius man will not fit the bill. He’s stimulating and fascinating but not what she needs. The Aquarius man will be turned off by the Cancer woman’s clinginess. Sexually, they can help one another reach new heights! Unpredictable, experimental and emotionally charged, the sex between a Cancer woman and an Aquarius man is electric instinct!
When It’s Over: This relationship between an
Aquarius man and a Cancer woman can have a kind of cruel ending if they
let themselves drift apart. Aquarius can turn and walk away on a dime
leaving poor Cancer clinging helplessly to the illusion that he will
return. Aquarians are famous for sudden endings, and love is no
exception to the rule. Cancer will never understand and will be very
badly hurt, but my guess is, no matter how long they were together, he
made it worthwhile.
Our Rating: 6/10
Our Rating: 6/10
Leo Woman and Aquarius Man Compatibility
Famous Leo-Aquarius Couples: Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown, Loni Anderson and Burt Reynolds, Gracie Allen and George Burns.![]() |
Jacinda Barrett and Gabriel Macht |
The Leo woman is a magnetic person. She has a charming personality and a winning attitude that is unique to her personality only. You can't expect to see a dull, boring Leo woman because try as hard as she may, she will always be in the center of attention. She will have to make a conscious effort to stay out of the limelight because, very unintentionally, the attention follows her where ever she goes. It will be a pleasure for the Aquarius man to be in the company of the Leo woman because she is dynamic, entertaining and lively.
Count on the Aquarius man to be very sociable and outgoing. He is the perfect match for the Leo woman for they are both fond of the outside world. However, whether the Aquarius man likes it or not, he will always be in her shadow. At a party or a social event, the Aquarius man will have to settle happily with the remnants of awe and attention that the Leo woman gets. Whether this becomes a bone of contention for the couple or if the Aquarius man takes it in his stride, only time will tell.
The secret to this relationship will lie with the flattering abilities of the Aquarius man. He will have to work harder to keep a smile on his Leo woman's face. He will have to ensure that his woman stays happy or else, they will have trouble in the house. The Leo woman does not like being told what to do and what to say and if the Aquarius man tries that, he will be in trouble. The relationship between the Aquarius man and the Leo woman will be one where the man will have to make more compromises than the woman. Leo is a very powerful sun sign and to try and restrain it is a big mistake. Thus, the sooner the Aquarius man understands this, the better it will be for him.
Harry Styles and Cara Delevingne |
Since the Leo woman is much like the lion, she will be known for her fearlessness. This is one quality that the Aquarius man will admire in her and treasure. He will love his independence and freedom but will be willing to compromise on it if it brings happiness to his woman. This relationship can blossom very easily and readily into a gorgeous flower but do the wrong things at the wrong time and the couple can face the wrath of the bee-sting as well.
Sparks and chemistry abound in this hot wired, tense and exciting combination of heart, mind and will. The attraction (if it happens) is instantaneous. The lioness is dumbstruck with how different he is, how daring, how he just does whatever he wants and doesn’t seem to care what others think. She loves a challenge and her subconscious reaction is this: “All men are attracted to me but this one is different He seems so strong. Wonder if I can bend him to my will?” On his part, he lives for shocks and thrills. It’s hard to resist the experience of being stalked by a BIG game hunter.
How to Attract an Aquarius Man as a Leo woman: You love a challenge and being the opposite sign from Aquarius, you innately know what to do. Put on your queenly air of feigned indifference and parade it past him a few times.
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Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher |
Degree of Romance: This is the one combination where a friendship can suddenly turn to love; then, when passion is spent, it will revert back to friendship. If you’re deeply into the mating game, you won’t want to remember that the passion always dies, but, dear reader, and especially dear Leo reader, it does and, that being the case. friendship is a great foundation for a lasting marriage partnership. WORD: The definition of friendship, according to Michael Lutin, is someone who, when they hear you slept with someone else, just laughs. Lady Lioness, read that sentence over a few times. You may possess his heart but never his will. This Aquarian creature is always his own man.
Degree of Passion: There is a high degree of passion during courtship and if there isn’t, Leo will stage it. Mr. Detached Aquarian, read that sentence over several times and make sure you can live with it. Not every Aquarian is cut out to play the leading man. It can make costly inroads into your “I did it my way” territory.
Degree of Friendship: The possibility for friendship could be fantastic which would suit Aquarius just fine because he can avoid all that sticky stuff. It’s just that it won’t suit the Leo woman. She doesn’t want male friends. She wants romantic enthrallment, admirers or loyal subjects. It’s a power thing.
Sex: Opposites attract! This love match will teach the Leo woman and Aquarius man the true meaning of love if their initial differences and stubborn streaks can be overcome.
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Cara Delevingne and Harry Styles |
When It’s Over: When it’s over it will end on a dime – he will evaporate into thin after a few protestations about enduring friendship. She will likely resent the time she “wasted” on him and never want to hear from him again. “Poof! Banished from the Queendom!” His response? Space, at last!”
Our Rating: 8 /10
Virgo Woman and Aquarius Man Compatibility
This is one of the late-great combinations!! You read it first here. This pair is absolute magic following none of the usual newspaper Sun sign trivia. An enormous amount of respect and a common viewpoint is at the core of this relationship. It will be easy for these two to court, marry, and set up housekeeping. There is an almost seamless energy that makes it a pleasure being in each other’s company. You would almost call it love at first sight.The relationship between an Aquarius man and a Virgo woman is not your typical match made in heaven. Sparks are sure to fly in the initial stages after which it comes down to the maturity of both partners. Both will need to step up and take responsibility is they want to carry the relationship forward.
The Virgo woman is a charged, balanced and a strong personality. She likes order and routine in her life. The Aquarius man is also a balanced and has a strong personality. However, he is not the best example when it comes to order and routine. He may not be the one who likes to plan his dates weeks in advance. He is also not the one is always on time. Although he is very energetic and always pumped up for an active social life, he is not likely to do it in the most organised way. The Virgo woman on the other hand, thrives on being organised. This can be cause of friction between the two. The Virgo woman can also be very critical of people who are not organised. She may at times be fierce and not hold back showing dislike for the Aquarius man's care free attitude. This friction will need adjustment and compromise from both sides. The Aquarius man is a born actor and it will not hurt if he puts his skills to use, especially here! He can do little things like showing up on time, keeping common spaces tidy, and maintain a decent level of schedule in things that affect both partners in their day to day lives. This will keep the Virgo woman happy. On the other hand, she will need to acknowledge the freedom that the Aquarius man likes to have at times. She may need to step back a bit and allow room for a tiny bit of chaos, at times. This will be tough, but very necessary for the relationship to be free of aggressive arguments.
Romance levels in this relationship may go from high to low in this relationship. The Aquarius man and the Virgo woman are both intellectually strong. The strategist Virgo woman will look into the Aquarius man's eyes and demand what she wants from him. The outspoken Aquarius man will charm her with his witty nature. The look in the eyes of both partners will be crisp and inviting. Although the Virgo woman is not extremely sensitive, her emotional outlook is definitely not as dry as that of the Aquarius man. Both partners will again need to reach common ground to keep the spark alive in their relationship.
Sexual relationship between the Aquarius man and the Virgo woman are not only satisfying and exhaustive, they play an extremely vital role in the relationship. This is probably one of the few elements in which the needs of both partners align. It is a very important form of communication. It will not be surprising if many arguments are eventually settled in the bedroom! What better way to argue? The aggressive Virgo woman will demand all the passion that the Aquarius man has, who will surely love the attention. Both partners will draw ultimate physical pleasure and love each other's company in the bedroom.
The Aquarius man loves his freedom and feeling of being independent. The Virgo woman should not have any apparent issues with this. When the relationship is thought from a long term perspective, the organised Virgo will definitely make a good family woman. She will like to care for her loved ones. She might even be the rock in the Aquarius man's life. The Aquarius man on the other hand, is very loyal and true in relationship, even though he may not show this side of him in an emotional way. The relationship will surely need a bit of work. It is up to the commitment and dedication of both partners. If they are willing to accommodate for each other's typical traits, it is surely possible for the spark to go on and on!
How to Attract a Virgo Woman as an Aquarius Man: If you are attracted to a Virgo woman, you already respect her for the many fine qualities you have noticed. She, like you, is not a game player. She could care less what her friends are doing, what they think about her or about you for that matter. It’s amazing how much tension this releases from the mating process. You will feel a great sense of relief as she naturally gives you the space you need. She is hardly the type to bother you with texting during the day; she undoubtedly has business of her own to take care of, or is relaxing and enjoying her own company. You will find so much to respect in this woman. The Virgo woman’s calm, cool collectedness is genuine. This is much to your relief because you have been fooled so often before. This is a lady worth working for.
Degree of Romance: If Aquarius is going to be romantic with anyone, it will be with dear gentle Virgo. She has a way of bringing it out in him because she is so uniquely patient and undemanding. He is likely to see what a prize she is and knock himself out to the best of his abilities to make her his own.
Degree of Passion: As with romance, the Virgo woman is likely to squeeze every ounce of passion out of the Aquarius man. This guy is not nearly as detached as he appears to be, but she knows that already. The fact that she assuages his loneliness makes him open up in a way that he never has before. This is a relationship where passion increases as the years go by and that is a very lovely thing. If you give fire a place to burn in, it can turn into a mighty conflagration.
Degree of Friendship: A Virgo woman and Aquarius man can be very fine friends indeed, and they are likely to be each other’s only true friend, as well. Both signs are interested in quality, not quantity and they both have very high standards and ideals which few other people can meet.
Degree of Marriage: This is one of the best marriage combinations there is. They can easily pull together as a team as their ability to communicate with each other is usually superb (they kind of speak each other’s language). They have quite similar values, and their lifestyle choices are probably similar, too. This relationship can be an all-consuming marriage where the couple binds together and shuts out the rest of the world in positive ways. They can become the closest of friends and confidants, contribute much to the community, be an asset wherever they find themselves in life, and create a delightful home conducive to raising healthy children. Virgo woman and Aquarius man can be pretty close to “a marriage made in heaven.”
Sex: The dates between a Virgo woman and Aquarius man will be full of endless talking. This blend is not exactly a perfect love match, however with some work it could be rewarding.The Virgo woman thrives on routine and for the Aquarius man, a routine is like a death sentence. He does not enjoy predictable dating nor does he appreciate being confined to his Virgo woman’s standards. She doesn’t mind his need for independence but will hate his inability to stick to her rules. Sexually, they are actually quite a match! The Virgo woman is more malleable than you might think once you get her in bed, much to the Aquarius man’s pleasure. This is one relationship where sex is likely to come at the right time — after all the other chakras are aligned. Sex between these two becomes a precious form of communication, never emotionally exhausting or physically demanding. They may be relating in a way that we all will be one day, there is such fairness and consideration apparent in the negotiations. Both these signs are somewhat androgynous which adds to the intellectual pleasure of coupling — because there are four different ways to do it.
When It’s Over: This one is likely to last a lifetime, but if it must end, they will probably be on the same page — as always. It is simply time to turn to a new chapter, and that, dear friend, means laying the past gently to rest. No need for hard feelings. It just is what it is.
Our Rating: 9/10
Libra Woman and Aquarius Man Compatibility
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Sarah Ferguson and Prince Andrew |
The Aquarius man is not too complex, yet very unpredictable. He is extremely energetic which will be appealing to the Libra woman. The Aquarius man is also a people's person. He loves to go out, make friends, and is socially very active. He will definitely like having the charming and intellectually sound Libra woman by his side when he does so. The Aquarius man's good and caring nature will catch the eye of the Libra woman immediately. Her stable nature will lure the Aquarius man. The Libra woman is also aware that she is able to tune the behaviour of the Aquarius man to a certain extent. She will be able to get her point across very easily if the relationship is healthy. It is fair to say that both partners are intelligent, level headed, and logical.
The Aquarius man will usually love his independence. He will love his sense of freedom and will go to great lengths to protect it. The Libra woman should be aware of this. The degree or should we say channels of romance may be affected due to this. However, she can use her strategy and her ability to be politically correct at times to her advantage. She will be able to address him directly. This will make it much easier to direct the Aquarius man and demand favours. She can surely expect him to fetch her a present that she may have subtly suggested him on Christmas. Situations like these will over power any deficiency in the romance levels in the Aquarian mindset. The best part of these complementary traits is that it works out fine for both partners. The Aquarius man may be poor at expressing emotions, however is extremely loyal and true when it comes to steady relationships. He is evidently socially very active and may have a large number of friends, including women. It is very important that you do not push boundaries of possessiveness with this man. Stand your ground and have faith in the relationship. The Libra woman's calm and cool nature will come into play here and will help her assess every situation in its own merit. Word of caution to the Libra woman: Doubt only when necessary.
Sexual relationship between an Aquarius man and a Libra woman are very colourful, which is not surprising to know, considering they are both "switched-on" personalities and have positive outlooks towards life in general. Although romance levels can vary, the need for physical satisfaction will definitely take over. Even moments like a thoughtful conversation on the bed may lead to a long and wild session. What is more interesting is that the aura of the Libra woman's control over the Aquarius man definitely shows in the bedroom. It will not be surprising if the Libra woman introduces him to role play or other variations in the bedroom. Physical relations between both partners are very meaningful and enhance the feeling of togetherness. The level headedness of both Libra woman and the Aquarius man may even get them to agree on the number of times they rock the bed!
Sparks fly when the Libra woman meets the outgoing Aquarius man on the first date. She will fall in love with this smart and popular man. The Aquarius man will also be enchanted by the charm of the witty Libra woman. He will love the animated conversations over the dinner table! The Libra woman should be careful when she tries to mould the relationship to her advantage. It is like lighting a matchstick - apply too much pressure and it breaks!
How to Attract an Aquarius Man as a Libra Woman: Libra has the reputation of being a superficial romantic, and while there is some truth to that, many Libra women are astute politicians, great strategists, and natural business partners. This is the side that you should put forward if you’re interested in attracting Mr. Intellectual. Many Aquarians, delightful as they are, get stuck in outer space and need someone to play Loop-de-Loop with them. In other words, it’s your job to connect the dots in the social world so he has some way of relating to others. This means that you need to be tolerant of his dating skills, rudimentary though they may be. Some Aquarians may not be the most polished, but they are not game players, and if he’s interested in you at all, you should probably feel quite honored.
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Kelly Preston and John Travolta |
Degree of Passion: Aquarians can be surprisingly passionate, precisely because they make a point of being so dispassionate. You will find this amusing, Libra, because of the power it gives you over him. Use that power wisely because of the tendency that you have to create immediate payback karma.
Degree of Friendship: These two can be absolutely best friends. There is a graciousness and mutual respect between them that is very special. Long after other couples have settled into familiarity and even civility, these two will be extending lovely courtesies to one another as far into the future as you can see. Libra really brings out the gentleman in the Aquarian and Aquarius has found a lady worthy of his affection, which he does not give freely. A large part of the plus side of their friendship is that they understand each other’s need for space.
Degree of Marriage: This is an excellent choice for marriage. Both parties are logical, level-headed, and able to submit. They share a common viewpoint and are likely to enjoy the same general lifestyle. Libra is always willing to compromise, and Aquarius extends a lot of freedom in the partnership. They score high in conflict-resolution skills, which is an essential ingredient in a good long-term relationship. Aquarius encourages Libra not to keep score or hold grudges, which is also a plus.
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Kelly Preston and John Travolta |
Sex: The dates will be quirky, social and quite eccentric much to both the Libra woman and the Aquarius man’s delight! This couple is a winning love match. The Libra woman adores her Aquarius man’s mind and may instantly fall in love with his genius. The Aquarius man knows that his Libra woman will understand his need for individual expression and will work the relationship around his erratic tendencies.
Sexually they will be well matched and never boring! The Libra woman delights in her Aquarius man’s inventive lovemaking and he loves to watch her let her hair down and go wild in the bedroom! Sex is an important part of a relationship between these two, but equally important are lifestyle choices, viewpoints, and common goals. This makes for a balanced relationship that enhances the sexuality between them. Furthermore, they are likely to agree on how often they have sex, thereby minimizing the negotiating that some couples endure. Libra is famous for the accoutrements of love. For example, she may introduce the Kama Sutra, for which he will be very grateful because he’ll try anything once. The beginning and ending of their love making is likely to be as polite and mannerly as the other areas of their life together, each being very solicitous of the other’s well-being.
When It’s Over: Aquarius has the upper hand when it comes to the relationship as a whole. He will not be inclined to end something once he has submitted to it. Aquarius is fixed sign and these men seldom stray. However, if he gets a “higher calling,” like a pat on the shoulder from his ruler, Uranus, he will out the door like greased lightning never to be enveloped again. No one knows for sure what comes over an Aquarian, but you know they do march to a distant drummer. Like it or not, when the dance is over, it’s time to go home. Libra may talk him into staying around for a little while longer, but it won’t last. This is one man who will give an ex-partner everything just to be free.
Our Rating: 9/10
Scorpio Woman and Aquarius Man Compatibility
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Rebecca Romijn and Jerry O’Connell. |
The relationship between an Aquarius man and a Scorpio woman is like a roller coaster ride - full of emotional twists, turns and bends. Both signs have typical traits which will need to be worked on from day one.
The Aquarius man is a social butterfly. He has a large social group and loves to spontaneously go out and hang around with friends. He is a 'people person'. This is a massive blow to the Scorpio woman who is extra protective of her relationships. She is usually possessive of her loved ones and at times and has a habit of looking back at past experiences while dealing with the present. If the Aquarius man's social group involves large number of women, the gloves may come off! Well, this is one side to the Aquarius man's trait. The other side is that he will love to indulge with the Scorpio woman who does not let her secrets out easily. He will be mesmerised during conversations with her and will love to be the 'go-to' man for his Scorpio lover. Dealing with these emotional highs will be quite a task for the Scorpio woman. The outgoing and outspoken Aquarius man may sweep her off her feet on their first date, but the Scorpio woman should be aware and ready for the uphill battle she is setting herself in for. Mind you, if the communication lines are strong and open, these issues can certainly be dealt with.
The degree of romance between these two partners can be magical. The Aquarius man with his antics, ideas, energy and excitement will definitely charm the Scorpio woman who is a believer of love at first sight! She is also full of emotions of love, jealousy, rage, and has a strong sense of attachment to her lover. These emotions will take her on a wild ride with the Aquarius man. He will send a jolt through the soul of the Scorpio woman with his witty and electrifying nature. The courtship period is definitely full of sparks! The Aquarius man will surely need to watch his step when it comes to discussing past relationships. The Scorpio woman does not let her secrets out easily. Once she does, she expects the same in return. She will also not accept any lies. Lie to her, and you are in dangerous waters! The last thing both partners want is bad air on a romantic date, only due to past experiences and relationship creeping up in their conversations.
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Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore |
The relationship between the Aquarius man and the Scorpio woman is that of "lessons to be learnt". They are both exposed to worlds unknown to them. The Scorpio woman will definitely need to reign in her emotions and the Aquarius man will need to do the exact opposite. The Aquarius man will be loyal and that is what the Scorpio woman strongly demands. The doors of stability in this relationship are opened by not one, but two keys - Honesty and good communication. Both partners should aggressively work to get these two elements aligned, and the rest will fall in place!
How to Attract a Scorpio Woman as an Aquarius Man: The biggest gift you can give a Scorpio woman who has caught your eye is to let her know in no uncertain terms that are you are not intimidated by her. This would probably be such a relief to her that she will curl up in your lap and cover your face with kisses. In fact you could throw in a wild card and treat her like a friend. Believe me, no man has ever done that before. This sets you apart and gets her to take a new look at you as a possible suitor. If you really want to keep her enthralled, pretend you are indifferent to sex.
How to Attract an Aquarius Man as a Scorpio Woman: The Aquarius man is so cerebral that he has a blind side sexually. That’s where you have your advantage. All the time that he’s throwing friendship at your and spouting detached commentary about “saving the world,” his favorite cause, and the latest U2 Concert, the more you should vibrate on a very yin sexual frequency to draw him out of his world and into your own. Never try to compete with him intellectually. Use your God-given strength to your own advantage.
Degree of Romance: This can be an incredibly romantic relationship. The Aquarius man will be very vulnerable to the Scorpio woman’s erotic skills and talents. Likely she will take him places he has never gone before. This will ultimately bring them very close together as they share intimately secrets that they keep from everyone else. You can be sure that Aquarius has never felt these things before and that is a very precious thing to have between two people.
Degree of Passion: Aquarius is also very vulnerable to the experience of passion when he is with a Scorpio woman. He may, in fact, discover it for the first time. Scorpio will be very tolerant of this fact.
Rebecca Romijn and Jerry O’Connell |
Progression of Relationship: Here are two people who don’t play games. The attraction is likely to be instantaneous. Scorpios are famous for love at first sight because of their dead-eye perceptivity. Many a Scorpio has said, “I knew he was the one the minute I laid eyes on him.” Aquarians have an electrifying radar which sends a jolt of recognition through them when they are in the presence of their soul-mate. When these two factors are present, these partners call it a lay down, and playing the cards out is just going through the motions. This makes the courtship especially enjoyable, knowing that it will have a successful ending.
When It’s Over: This one is likely to last beyond the current lifetime. It is quite possible that fate has brought these two together and will hold them together to complete a vow made in a former lifetime. If the fates should decree that an ending is necessary, the Aquarius man and Scorpio woman will probably be unbelievably civil. Both parties will hide their pain — out of respect for one another and will do what is expected to unwind their affairs responsibly. Years later, Scorpio will dream about her Aquarian man as she prepares for bed, and the Aquarian man will nurture a secret hope that they will meet again in a future lifetime.
Our Rating: 10/10
Sagittarius Woman and Aquarius Man Compatibility
Famous Sagittarius-Aquarius Couples: Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake, Anna Nicole Smith and J. Howard Marshall, Chris Evert and Greg Norman
These two signs are both interested in the big picture, the future,
and a world full of possibilities. Chances are their lives have already
been very different from most. The Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman
will have fun comparing notes and may both actually feel a little bored
by the conventional. They will tend to talk about non-personal topics
such as history, evolution, bio-genetics, nuclear energy, and all things
green.![]() |
Harry StyleS & Taylor Swift |
Since the Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman both share similar traits, they are bound to succeed in the relationship as they have a very strong understanding of each other's perspective on life. For instance, the Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman both portray a very high level of honesty and loyalty. Once the Sagittarius woman finds her true love, she will go all in and be the most faithful, loyal and loving partner one could find. The Aquarius man is superbly impressed by the independence and practical nature of the Sagittarius woman thus bringing them closer to each other than ever before.
This intimacy, understanding and attraction is evident in the sexual history of the couple too. They will never get bored or tired of each other and every encounter will be as good and exciting as the first! If ever the Sagittarius woman starts to get fed up or shows signs of boredom, the Aquarius man will jump to his best and make sure she is enticed again.
The few negatives in this relationship will be the conflict that stubbornness brings between them. The Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman can both be very stubborn and arrogant which can act against them in this relationship. However, with their communication skills, once they sit down and discuss their differences, they will be on happy tracks in no time. They both need to understand that giving each other the space, freedom and independence is the key to them staying together. Once they master the art of understanding each other's differences and identifying the cause of their conflict they will be able to resolve it in no time.
Degree of Romance: Romance is neither likely nor of value between these two.
Degree of Passion: The Aquarius man is always hiding some passion, while the Sagittarius woman is likely to turn the passion in the direction of love of life or a humanitarian cause. Both signs have trouble reducing passion to the personal arena. They don’t do it well.

Degree of Marriage: Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman is not a good match for a conventional marriage. For one thing, the gender roles are bent. Both signs are yang, bachelors at heart, and focus on things beyond the personal home. If these signs wind up having children, they will still consider the community at large to be more important than their own progeny. Both signs need a lot of private time and space for the kind of deep thinking and contemplation for which they are noted. In Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman, you have a philosopher and a scientist with the requirements of quiet study time and the companionship of other adults being requisite.
Sex: When a Sagittarius woman and Aquarius man date one another it’s like a sexual lightning bolt of electricity permeates the air!The Sagittarius woman and Aquarius man are both fiercely independent signs who value their freedom above all else. They enjoy the mental stimulation and unusual, non traditional quality to their relationship as well.Sexually, when a Sagittarius woman and an Aquarius man get together anything goes. I mean anything! A common disinterest in sex may keep the Sagittarius woman and Aquarius man together. Both Sagittarius and Aquarius are detached and cerebral. These two may be more inclined to express their erotic feelings in generalized kindness or consideration rather than overt sexuality.
When It’s Over: They will both probably deny that they were ever in it. Aquarius and Sagittarius both find it much easier to deal with love in the abstract, so if love fails, it could not have been love in the first place. That is the loophole … and the trap door.
Our Rating: 5/10
Capricorn Woman and Aquarius Man Compatibility
Famous Aquarius-Capricorn Couples: Carla
Bruni-Nicholas Sarkozy, Helena Christensen-Michael Hutchence, Loretta
Young-Clark Gable, Christy Turlington-Edward Burns, Ali Wentworth
(actress) – George Stephanopolous. [thanks, Vero]
The Aquarius man and Capricorn woman couple falls into the archetypal
Greek realm of logos and eros. Aquarius is “the word” and Capricorn is
“the word made flesh.” Together they make the perfect pair. Aquarius is
the visionary, master-minding in the conceptual range of pure archetype.
Capricorn will draw the vision down into reality and ground it with
commitment and structure. They are mysteriously drawn to each other
because of this hidden bond; each is only half without the other.
Capricorn brings out the visionary aspiration of the Aquarius because
she has the potential of making it real. ![]() |
Cristiano Ronaldo and Irina Shayk |
The troubles in this relationship arise when the carefree, aloof Aquarius man expects his routine and traditional Capricorn woman to keep up with his mood swings and sexual fantasies. The Aquarius man spends time fantasizing and day dreaming which makes the Capricorn woman quite suspicious. But because of her submissive nature she doesn't do much about it but to grin and bear. This causes trouble and can work against them. The best way for them to work out their differences is to understand each other's nature and learn to work around it.
Another point of difference between the two signs can be the requests by the Capricorn woman that are misinterpreted as constant nagging by the Aquarius man. For example, when the Capricorn woman, being a homely and domesticated spouse takes initiatives to plan meetings and dinner with close family and friends and pleads her Aquarius partner to join in, White often he takes this as a constant nag and it turned off by it. His aloofness and carefree nature dictates that he needn't be bound by routines, schedules and compulsory meetings.
Every relationship has its ups and downs and between the Aquarius man and Capricorn woman, there may seem a few extra. The solution for this lies in both their hands where in a little amount of understanding and appreciation for each other's attributes and needs. Bearing in mind all the negatives in this relationship, one must not ignore the positives that these two signs share. Sexually, they will both make amazing partners as the Aquarius man is all about the variety and the Capricorn woman is dedicated towards working hard and keeping her man happy.
How to Attract a Capricorn Woman as an Aquarius Man: If you are an Aquarius man trying to attract a Capricorn woman, it actually helps if you have your mind on other things. She expects you to be tripping out in the universe and she is eager to help you deal with the reality of people, places and things, while your inclination is to stay with forms and ideals. You are the architect for her building. Because of this connection, your first conversations may be rather peculiar and abstract. You may now know what you are fishing for in each other. The more you talk to her, the more inspired you will become until you realize that it is her energy that is giving you the extra realm of possibilities that suddenly becomes obvious to you. It doesn’t even matter if she understands what you are talking about; it’s all her energy.
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Cristiano Ronaldo and Irina Shayk |
Degree of Romance: This combination can be very sweet in its attempt at being romantic. Neither sign is particularly gifted with the Romantic Gene, but for some reason when they get together, they start to feel like they should be. Each will be very tolerant of the other’s attempts at romanticism, rudimentary as they are. Each will appreciate the attempt to include romanticism on the menu of an otherwise pretty strict diet.
Degree of Passion: The Aquarius man seems to feel the need to present passion at times but really it is not necessary and it isn’t well-conveyed by an air sign. Air signs like Aquarius are meant to be detached, cool, logical and even distant in their relations with people and feelings. It’s better to stick with what you know. Aquarius is a very loyal sign, although only around half the time. Loyalty will have to pass for passion with the Aquarius. It won’t make any difference to the Capricorn woman who does not give a feelings-value to passion.
Degree of Friendship: The Capricorn woman and Aquarius man can be splendid friends. They collaborate well together. They have an equal degree of commitment, intelligence, and scope of understanding. They both think The Big Picture. They like working with large-scale models. They have leadership styles unique to them, and they enjoy being productive. They will be more challenged if they try to build a friendship on leisure, as neither is particularly leisure-oriented. They may very well make the perfect team.
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Cristiano Ronaldo and Irina Shayk |
Sex:This can be a rough dating match since the Capricorn woman is all about the “rules” whereas her Aquarius man is all about breaking them. Still, the attraction is dynamic. The Capricorn woman will be able to ground her Aquarius man’s quirky innovations and he will help her think outside the box. They learn to reinvent the rules of dating and love together.Sexually, they’ll really be unique. The Capricorn woman will work hard to please her Aquarius man and he’ll show her how true the saying is that “variety is the spice of life”. Sex will have a more prosaic dimension with this combination than with any other involving Aquarius. For some reason he is much more grounded with a Capricorn woman. She brings out his more conservative nature. He is likely to supply a steady supply of sex at particular intervals. This is responding to her needs as well as his. There will be little variety in the love-making. It is best looked at as a means of communication and the way to stay in touch with each other’s vibes.
When It’s Over: It’s over when Aquarius has enough. He does not lose his temper easily but if something happens that cools him off, he may disintegrate into cold very rapidly and it will be very difficult to warm him up again, and you will see the famous closed mind of the Aquarius. She will feel locked out and confused because he has never failed to listen to her before, but his mind will be made up, and there is no changing it.
Aquarius Man and Aquarius Woman Compatibility
Famous Aquarius-Aquarius Couples: John Brolin and Diane Lane.
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Diane Lane and John Brolin |
When we think about two partners in a relationship with the same sun sign, the first words that come to mind are harmony, love and peace. In the case of the relationship between an Aquarius man and woman, this may very well not be true. It could either be great love, or a complete disaster. It will not take too much effort for the Aquarius man or woman to attract each other. Both are witty personalities who enjoy spontaneous conversations. Breaking the ice will not be an issue and conversations will flow endlessly.
Both partners value their freedom. Their free spirit and outgoing nature is definitely a plus point when individual personalities are concerned, but is this a benefit in a relationship? The answer is probably no. Imagine two people who are socially very active and have a large set of friends. Multiply this by two if both partners may come from different backgrounds and may not have common friends. This relationship will be subject to higher than average human interaction and involvement. The Aquarius man and woman both have a very active social life and it is easy to get lost in the world of outings, meetings, and gatherings. The bond between the two partners has to be solid in order to bring them back to ground realities. Another typical trait, again closely related is personal space. Both partners enjoy their own personal space, physically and emotionally. They like to be on their own sometimes. This trait may even work in their advantage. Possessiveness, jealousy and other issues related to trust take a back seat because of the similar outlook towards life. Arguments and fights will be lesser than the average couple. Both partners will acknowledge each other's needs to be left alone at times. This can provide balance and stability to the relationship.
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Shakira and Gerard Piqué |
Sexual relations are peaking! The Aquarius man and woman are full of energy and enthusiasm. Physical relations will be free, inventive, rewarding, and extremely satisfying. Times spent in the bedroom will be long. Both partners love the outdoors and it would not be surprising if steamy sessions inside the bedroom end up out in the back yard under the crisp moon light. Aggressiveness and subtleness are both involved in this roller coaster ride. Neither partner will be held up by nervousness or preconceived notions. They are both in for a wild ride!
Both partners are loyal when it comes to testing times in the relationship and hold a special place for each other in their hearts. However, the Aquarius woman and man tend to hide emotions. Aloof, arrogant, absent minded, you can call them anything you want - they are not bound by sentiments. Emotional intimacy will need to be forced upon on these two souls. In a committed relationship, they will happily co-exists and be best friends. They can surely be the pillar in each other's lives. Both partners will need to ensure that they spend enough time together, away from the attention of the world. They both make a great pair. Whether they can transform this strong bond into a loving, nurtured and long term relationship depends on willingness of each partner to compromise, by a bit, on the sense of freedom. It is definitely a relationship that they want to hold on for life!
How to Attract an Aquarius Woman as an Aquarius Man: If you’re an Aquarius man trying to attract an Aquarius woman, of course you will know to give her lots of space. Aquarians have the reputation of being very friendly but they really don’t like people at all, so she is likely to be alone when you encounter her. If you have crossed her path, you are likely involved in a common cause which makes the perfect entrée into a conversation. This should keep you going for the first several dates. Nothing personal, please. After that, since you’re both pretending that you’re not dating, you’re just friends, a lot is left up in the air. You have to keep getting together, but under the pretense or guise of dating. Keep it cazs.
How to Attract an Aquarius Man as an Aquarius Woman: For starters, interrupt the conversation he’s having with someone else. Act like you could care less about the social context of the meeting. Show your strong individuality and your preference for mental engagement, not emotional entanglement. It’s okay to be smarter than he is if you really are. Turn and walk away as abruptly as you walked over to start the conversation.
Degree of Romance: I don’t think so.
Degree of Passion: Only for other species.
Degree of Friendship: For as much as they will tout their relationship as “best friends,” they are probably each other’s only friends as well.
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Gerard piqué and Shakira |
Progression of Relationship: The Aquarius man and Aquarius woman keep going back to start, because they insist that it’s just a friendship which makes for an expanded consciousness between them and it allows them the space they need to co-exist happily in their universe.
Sex: If they could, I’m sure they would prefer to do it on the holodeck or take part in the famous Vulcan Mind Melt. Aquarians are the one sign constantly at odds with the human body. They tend to think of themselves as energy circuits, or units of energy, programmable through the mind at a safe distance. They tend to look at sex as procreational and ironically they are singularly displeased with their own creations. The Greek god Uranus, the Ruler of Aquarius, ate his own children because they weren’t good enough. This leads us to a circular place regarding this most human of all functions. Sometimes the “problem” is solved with gadgets and “toys”, especially of the electrical shock variety. Sometimes the group gets involved. It was the Uranus in Gemini generation that invented swapping. Whatever can be conceived of — I’ll let you imagine — as long as it is at arm’s length and no messy bodily fluids are involved.When an Aquarius woman and an Aquarius man get to dating they will become the best of lovers as well as the best of friends.The Aquarius woman and Aquarius man are both highly intelligent and humanitarian. They relish the unusual and eccentric and can spend many dating weekends being spontaneous and free together. Sexually, they are going to be mentally aroused first and physically aroused second. Both the Aquarius woman and Aquarius man will have their strange, idiosyncrasies associated with their sexual and dating routine but that suits each of them just fine.
When It’s Over: When it’s over, they turn their backs and walk away as if they were pacing off for a duel except the trajectory is exponential. They can’t get far away from each other fast enough. All the rest is just words.
Aquarius Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility
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Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel |
These two can be as happy as can be together, like two stars in a universe of galaxies. The worlds they inhabit — mentally and psychically — are so vast and cosmic it actually becomes self-defeating to talk about them. They both understand the necessity of focusing on other aspects of reality in a don’t-go-there sort of way. They will appreciate a small world that they build together because it is safe and reliable and mundane in the very best sense of the word. Think of the relief of the galactic traveler when he finally finds a place to hang his hat and call it home. They do not deny the existence of other realities; they just appreciate not having to deal with it when they are together. The problem is that Aquarius is cerebral and Pisces is soulful. This works in a young couple for a first marriage. It becomes more problematical later in life. It can push both of them in to a new center of unified integrity, but that is rare. They just are doomed to worship at separate altars.
The momentum in the relationship between the Aquarius man and the Pisces
woman depends a lot on their own personal characteristics. Although
these two signs do have certain things in common, they also show certain
opposite traits.
The Pisces woman is very gentle and of a caring nature. This forms a striking appeal to the Aquarius man who will love to be with her. She is also a fantastic listener, which will go well with the witty and chatty Aquarius man. However, the Aquarius man needs to be aware that the Pisces woman can be someone who may not always speak out about things she does not like. There is only a certain point until this gentle woman will tolerate, further to which lie times of depression. The Aquarius man is extremely energetic, very outgoing and has a bursting social life. He likes to be out there, and be around friends. This is unlike the Pisces woman who is dreamy and likes to dwell into her inner self, at times. She will be drawn to the Aquarius man's traits of being a complete extrovert. This is a world she is not used to and could be a welcome surprise. Emotionally, the Pisces woman is a sensitive and petite being. She is the woman who has the slow and feminine moves. One look into her eyes over a glass of wine, and the Aquarius man will notice the caring nature radiating from her within. This will be very appealing to him. He will be drawn to these feminine characteristics of the Pisces woman. He should however be very careful and not allow himself to take this kind Pisces trait for granted. If he starts treating her with the same enthusiasm as he treats others, the relation will surely head for stormy waters!
The degree of romance for this relationship is high. Although the Aquarius man may not be romantically inclined, he will be lost in the Pisces woman's dreams and fantasies. Conversations will be intense and the both will develop a strong bond. He will need to understand that the Pisces woman needs her own space and moments of solace. Every date does not necessarily have to be in the popular cafe down the road or that funky club in downtown. The Pisces woman finds freedom in various forms of art and is very creative. The Aquarius man should be aware of this and think of spending quality time with her, ways he might not be accustomed to in the beginning. Long walks, sharing a quite glass of wine on the pier, a hot coffee on the balcony on a cold morning, these are things that may sweep the Pisces woman of her feet. The Aquarius man is usually a talented actor and his skills should do the trick here!
The Pisces woman is very gentle and of a caring nature. This forms a striking appeal to the Aquarius man who will love to be with her. She is also a fantastic listener, which will go well with the witty and chatty Aquarius man. However, the Aquarius man needs to be aware that the Pisces woman can be someone who may not always speak out about things she does not like. There is only a certain point until this gentle woman will tolerate, further to which lie times of depression. The Aquarius man is extremely energetic, very outgoing and has a bursting social life. He likes to be out there, and be around friends. This is unlike the Pisces woman who is dreamy and likes to dwell into her inner self, at times. She will be drawn to the Aquarius man's traits of being a complete extrovert. This is a world she is not used to and could be a welcome surprise. Emotionally, the Pisces woman is a sensitive and petite being. She is the woman who has the slow and feminine moves. One look into her eyes over a glass of wine, and the Aquarius man will notice the caring nature radiating from her within. This will be very appealing to him. He will be drawn to these feminine characteristics of the Pisces woman. He should however be very careful and not allow himself to take this kind Pisces trait for granted. If he starts treating her with the same enthusiasm as he treats others, the relation will surely head for stormy waters!
The degree of romance for this relationship is high. Although the Aquarius man may not be romantically inclined, he will be lost in the Pisces woman's dreams and fantasies. Conversations will be intense and the both will develop a strong bond. He will need to understand that the Pisces woman needs her own space and moments of solace. Every date does not necessarily have to be in the popular cafe down the road or that funky club in downtown. The Pisces woman finds freedom in various forms of art and is very creative. The Aquarius man should be aware of this and think of spending quality time with her, ways he might not be accustomed to in the beginning. Long walks, sharing a quite glass of wine on the pier, a hot coffee on the balcony on a cold morning, these are things that may sweep the Pisces woman of her feet. The Aquarius man is usually a talented actor and his skills should do the trick here!
Sexual relationship between the Aquarius man and the Pisces woman is intense. The Pisces woman will love to please and satisfy him, while he will be the one who takes lead. This will gel well with the typical traits of both signs. The Aquarius man will be introduced to the fantasies of the Pisces woman. It is usual for the Pisces woman to let go of her deepest fantasies to the person she loves and trust. Should the Aquarius man gain this level of trust, both partners are in for an "out of this world" experience in the bedroom!
The Pisces woman needs to acknowledge the outgoing personality of the Aquarius man. He is a man of extra social needs and really enjoys his freedom as opposed to the introvert Pisces woman. Both partners will need to compromise and arrive at common ground in order to spend quality time with each other at places they like to go and the type of people they like to be with. Due to this prime opposite trait, there can be moments of despair and times of arguments. Although the Pisces woman is not the one to be aggressive in nature, dejection will surely show on her face and a bad vibe will be in the air. If both partners are able to make these adjustments and be committed to move the relationship to the next phase, they are in for a joyous ride!
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John Warner and Elizabeth Taylor. |
Degree of Romance: This can be one of the most unbelievably romantic relationships in the zodiac. It is like spreading a net of stars across the dark night sky. Everything is silvery and shiny, alluring and seductive, full of visionary promise and delight. It is like the maidens in Arabic paradise, or like a cool drink of water on a hot day. What is promised is soul fulfillment and visionary expanse of consciousness all at the same time. It is truly an out-of-body experience that will put you in a state of altered consciousness, begging for more.
Degree of Passion: This combination is a little too elusive to be called “passionate.” Each one is slipping out of range of the other, in a beautiful astral dance. When they never collide, there is no passion -only yearning and promise. Passion is the heat of a summer day, a high-noon experience. These two dwell between twilight and dawn, basking in the moonlight in the Milky Way.
Degree of Friendship: They are a little amorphous to be friendly but there is a certain altruistic detachment that could be characterized as such.
Progression of Relationship: This relationship is a bit like herding cats. No telling what’s going to happen next, but there’s one big Okay Zone.
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Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel |
The Pisces woman will be more sensitive than her Aquarius man. He lives in the realm of intellect and she in emotion. If they can learn to find a balance while they’re dating then they end up enjoying each other’s unique qualities very much.
When dating becomes sexual, the Pisces woman will be washed away at her Aquarius man’s inventive approach to lovemaking. He’ll delight in her willingness to share her deepest fantasies.
Sex is going to take on some extraordinary dimensions in this relationship. For one thing it will become the primary means of communication, even more than music or math. It’s almost like the invention of a different species — hard to describe, but on the evolutionary edge for the two people participating.
When It’s Over: It’s like the vector in chaos theory. Pisces keeps sucking Aquarius back in, him crying desperately the whole time, “Please release me, let me go.” It really never ends. It’s like a star that’s been dying out there for 20 billion years. God help you both.
Our Rating: A mathematical fractal
“Derived from the Latin fractus meaning “broken” or “fractured.” A mathematical fractal is based on an equation that undergoes iteration, a form of feedback based on recursion.
A fractal often has the following features:
• It has a fine structure at arbitrarily small scales.
• It is too irregular to be easily described in traditional Euclidean geometric language.
• It is self-similar (at least approximately or stochastically).
• It has a Hausdorff dimension which is greater than its topological dimension (although this requirement is not met by space-filling curves such as the Hilbert curve).
• It has a simple and recursive definition.
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The wise are instructed by reason, average minds by experience, the stupid by necessity and the brute by insticnt. See the link below for more info.
I'm an Aquarius man who is loved Gemini woman ! I love her and I through Gemini woman is the best matching with Aquarius !