Life Path with North Node Leo, Aquarius South Node

North Node Leo, Aquarius South Node

It's time to take center stage! Have you been waiting for the support of friends or colleagues, or even for "more information" before stepping up to the plate in your life? Your Soul yearns to come forward now, to take chances, to see life as a game worth playing—simply because it's fun and a challenge. Somewhere in your past you may have lost a joyful sense of play and spontaneity and now it's time to recover your exuberant self-confidence again, and to share it.

Either earlier in this life or in a former life, you were living on the sidelines watching others interact on center stage. You felt exiled, even if you weren’t. Now its time to engage yourself actively--be creative with a paintbrush, your children, or simply how you live each day. Color outside the lines of your everyday life and rejoice at the results. “Follow your bliss” the mythologist Joseph Campbell was fond of saying, and as the Persian poet Rumi once said: “Let the beauty you love be what you do. There are a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the earth.” Following your passion and bliss is good North Node medicine for you. If you don’t know what it is, you are called to listen to yourself more—ask yourself: what makes you laugh, cry, rage?

When a person holds the energies of the rebel, the genius and the outsider, we see Aquarius strong in the chart—often with a South Node in Aquarius. There’s an unconscious soul conditioning to think differently, and therefore you may be aware of not being really heard. You may speak your Truth in a way that doesn’t understand how it’s being received—so learning to communicate well, and with empathic feeling is important for you. Aquarius can tend to be so objective, or so focused in one direction, that it loses touch with the feeling-based world it lives in.

Life Path with North Node Cancer, South Node Capricorn

North Node Cancer, South Node Capricorn

When you work a long day, its good to come home and rest, and when you feel the need for help, its good to feel comfortable enough to ask for it. But for you, there can be a resistance to these very natural things. Somewhere in your past, either earlier in this life or in a previous one, you've worked hard pursuing your goals and doing what needed to be done. You’ve come into this life with an attitude that knows how to survive by being practical and by adapting to the harsh realities of life and making a living. (Some of you have even allowed an almost pathological sense of caution or reserve to develop in response to having to keep a stiff upper lip.) Now it’s time to soften, relax, and heal from being in a competitive and sometimes pressured environment.

Now it's time to shift focus from “them to you”, and to take the emphasis off the goal and onto the process of life unfolding. How do you feel about what's happening? That's the question to consider. Part of your soul purpose is to heal from the limitations of your past, so there’s a necessity at times, to cry a few tears…to simply feel. It’s not giving into self—pity though, and you won’t linger long in that place, for the balanced attitude of your Capricorn/Cancer axis is one that innately knows how to hold the tension of the opposites. 

Life Path with Gemini North Node, South Node Sagittarius

Gemini North Node, South Node Sagittarius

“Thou shall not tell too much Truth” was once said to a friend of mine with this Nodal combination. She was told this as a child and then it reappeared later in her life as a repeating dilemma. When she told her Truth, and lived her life by her Truth, she often got “slammed by the Universe”. What was wrong?

After some discussion, she was the one who retrieved the answer. In telling her story, her opinion, her “Truth” in the Sagittarian South Node manner, she spoke it reactively, without reflection, and the abruptness of it often hurt people. Sagittarius suffers at times from “foot in mouth” disease, but more seriously, she realized that by adding more tactfulness as well as by being more objective and “contained,” she could still live and speak her Truth, but in a way that didn’t injure herself or others. She realized that this reflection and containment allowed her to see how life was much more differentiated into many shades of gray, rather than the black and white of her first reactive perception.

This Nodal axis takes the raw experiences of life and puts them into a crucible that produces either wisdom or bitterness. By the reflective “cooking” of these Nodes, the raw anger and bitter injustices of life can be distilled, and transmuted into a compassionate wisdom. 

Gemini needs new experiences. A good idea for North Node Gemini is in the motto: "Let's do something different!" Your Soul longs for new experiences and different perspectives, and you may not even know it. You may think you've seen and done it all before....but now it's time to do it differently. Earlier in this life, or in a former life, you earnestly pursued Truth and developed a powerful self-convincing story of how Reality is. However it wasn't the whole Truth; you got the view from the mountaintop perhaps, but not from the valley or the marketplace. You may have been a cloistered monk, nun, or an opinionated scholar in a former life, but it was lonely, and now it’s time to ride into the market-place and take a fresh look at things. 

Life Path with Aries North Node and Libra South Node

What is your Life Path
Finding your life path with your North Node. 

North Node in Aries, Libra South Node

Aries North Node, Libra South Node
Your Aries North Node Soul wants to find its courage. It wants to be excited, to explore, and even to be stressed out--- if that’s what it will take to bring forth the independent and courageous side of you! Courage is the high road for Aries, and it’s what we do each time we step up the plate and “show up” whether we feel like it or not. Courage is what we need to have to survive and to be a pioneer. You are the natural survivor, pioneer, entrepreneur and sacred warrior of the zodiac.
Is it that fools rush in where angels fear to tread? Or simply that your enthusiasm and fresh attitude of “why not?” motivates the rest of us? You may not feel like the fearless one-- for courage is often stressed into a person by acts of bravery, but remember that courage is something you learn as you allow yourself to feel the fear and do it anyway. Your Soul may have chosen to be born into situations that have motivated you to develop the spiritual muscle of bravery. You are here to walk your talk and to learn to “step up to the plate.”

Life Path with Taurus North Node and Scorpio South Node

What is your Life Path
Finding your life path with your North Node. Taurus North Node~Scorpio South Node

With your North Node in Taurus, your Soul craves peace and serenity in this life--as well as good music, a loyal lover, and picnics on the beach with good food and wine! Doesn't everybody? Yes, but not like you---you need these things to remind your Soul that life can be good and safe and beautiful.

Having suffered too much drama and trauma either earlier in this life, or in a previous one, you're suffering now from a slight despair of spirit—one could even say that this Nodal combination has a “forgotten emotional memory” of life at its most tragic. The cure for this soul sickness is to nurture your self with the things that make life worth living. Cultivating loyal friends, enjoying nature and the physical world, and creating a beautiful home that feels like a safe harbor are all good things for you to do.

By choosing to find the "sacred in the commonplace" you re-awaken your Soul to the Divine in all things. You're not being a materialist when you truly enjoy the beauty of a hand-made wooden spoon or pottery bowl, or take time away from your work and ambitions to watch the sun set with an old friend. By seeing into the true nature of things, you get a sense of what many of the mystics have seen--that God is here and now, and found in the ordinary/extraordinary things of this life.

What do you truly value? What do you stand for in life? Something in you needs to know yourself deeper and to prove yourself worthy. The old path or habits that need to be left behind involve too much immersion in other people's dramas...a helping hand is fine, but don't get embroiled in dramas that aren't yours. Power and control issues as well as your ability to manipulate situations need to be let go of. You've done too much of that in the past. The focus now needs to be on you, and finding what you value and what nurtures you.

This life is about finding that mystical sense of belonging to a Universe that is benevolent. No easy task! It's a profound spiritual calling to find spirit in matter, and to find yourself in "right relationship" with others.

On the Taurus-Scorpio path it’s important to ground yourself with a workable level of financial and emotional stability. If you can do that you're ready to retrieve the gold in the shadow--your Scorpio South Node. There's hidden wisdom and power there, for in your Scorpio past you deeply understood other people and had a keen intuitive-psychic nature. You might have been the detective, the shaman, the priest, or the power behind the throne---the one who could hone in on the emotional bottom line. Now if you can bring your new level of security and grounded faith in the goodness of life into your relationships with others and into your work, you can nourish others with your profound wisdom.

Soul Purpose: serenity and stability, regaining a sense of the sacred in the ordinary, a sense of having earned and gained by one’s own efforts, honoring good traditions and preserving what is valuable for future generations.

Shadow: Looking to another for definition, self-confidence, or too much support. Taking things that aren’t yours. Collapsing into a felt sense of emotional pain from previous lives, and adapting an overly serious, gloomy attitude. Going to quickly into studying the occult and transpersonal realities, and thereby taking a spiritual bypass on your emotional life.

***Oscar Wilde, Irish playwright, poet, novelist, and great wit had his North Node in Taurus in the ninth house. A man who celebrated his homosexuality in Victorian England, he paid the price of his passion and suffered a dramatic downfall—he was imprisoned for it and died at the age of forty-six. Wilde certainly shows the polarity of the Nodes in his life and art, and although the Venus ruled Taurus North Node would seek serenity, he profited in the world through using his dramatic Scorpio nature. The nodes, on the 3rd/9th house axis, relate to communication in all its forms, and his North Node in the Ninth house reflected his enthusiasm, his liberal open-mindedness, plus his enjoyment of startling people and breaking up the normality of life—all Jupiter/Sagittarius/9th house qualities. Wilde was also known for his humor and philosophic spirit—again, a 9th house trait. Although one might hope for a better balance with this polarity, and therefore a longer life for Wilde, he nevertheless might not have achieved his greatness without his life of extremes.

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Erotic Venus Signs : How Erotic is your VENUS SIGN?

LOVE Compatibility Zodiac Sign 

Aquarius Man Compatibility

Aquarius Man and Aries Woman


Famous Aries-Aquarius Couples: Shannon Doherty and Rick Saloman, Liz Sheridan and James Dean
 James Dean and Liz Sheridan

If you are a strong individual and looking for a mirror, this is your best bet in the zodiac. Courage, will, intention, and commitment are personified in this combination of energies. It works especially well if you are both community activists or targeted on some futuristic goal that will make the world a better place. The key words here are future and goal.

To compromise willingly is tough. But if the Aquarius man and the Aries woman learn to do this, they will be a happy couple. The key to a strong foundation in the life of this wonderful couple is to make way for each other and not let the ego's play havoc. Though it is easier said than done, unlike most other couples, the Aquarius man and the Aries woman will be able to accomplish this feat and make the most of their companionship.

With strong qualities of the Aquarius man, the Aries woman will find herself in a soup for she will not know how to react to him and his ways. The Aquarius man is independent and strong, he is always willing to go the extra mile for his loved ones and will make sure that his life will mean something when he is gone. He is headstrong and determined, unlike the Aries woman, who is easy going. Such differences may create tiffs in the couple, but nothing of the magnitude that they will not be able to endure.
The Aries woman, though naive is a good fit for the Aquarius man. She is quite malleable, unlike her partner and with that quality she can manage to eradicate many troubles from their lives. She is also very witty and is an intellectual which is a good combination for the Aquarius man for he likes to be around woman who are more than just 'beautiful on the outside'. Their compatibility will show on emotional as well as physical levels and if you spot two people in serious conversation in a party, you can be sure that it will be the Aquarius-Aries couple.

Though they are very strong individually, their personalities melt into one when they are together. The Aries woman is quite powerful in her own right when she is on her own and same is the case with her Aquarius man. However, their wit and intellect will overlap and give the world a chance to look at how wonderful a couple can be together.

The Aquarius man and his Aries woman may spot trouble quite often in their relationship. One might argue that so is the case with almost all the couples on the planet. However, though they will have fights and troubles looming over their relationship, the couple will manage to stand out of it. They will make a conscious effort to be together and when they succeed, they will see how good they are together

How to Attract an Aquarius Man as an Aries woman: If your target is that interesting Aquarius over there, you’d best be interesting yourself. And if you possibly can, dare to be different. Your Aquarius male will respect your individuality. He is likely to be gender neutral in his appreciation of your capabilities and willing to give you complete respect if you earn it. Plus, you will get extra points for being forthright and daring in your opinions.
James Dean and Liz Sheridan

How to Attract an Aries Woman as an Aquarius Man:  You have to challenge her in some way.  Show yourself to be uniquely desirable.  She loves to win the big prize.  Your detatchment will be thrilling to her at first and the fact that you don’t fawn all over her will be refreshing and stimulating.  However, she is not patient or subtle, so if you are interested, be sure to spell it out for her.  An afternoon at the ballgame is not everyone’s idea of romance, so she may be confused about your intentions.  She’ll love your intellectual qualities and large network of acquaintances since she has trouble getting along with anyone.  Do your best to treat her like a girl and not just one of the guys.  She needs to know she’s special to you.

Degree of Romance: This relationship does not exactly rock the boat romantically. The emphasis is likely to be on common causes or a shared world view. Aquarius, though loyal, tends to be cerebral. And Aquarius by its very nature prefers the equality of friendship over a relationship which elevates one woman above all others. She may indeed have his whole heart and undiluted loyalty, but he will be reluctant to admit that even to himself because of his egalitarian beliefs.

Degree of Passion: There is a possibility of great passion and devotion in this relationship; however, it will be to a common cause not to each other. If she wants to win his heart and keep it, she should get interested in the things that put stars in his eyes.   He’ll have to yield some of his goals to create shared activities, but its doubtful that he will.  You pretty much have to take an Aquarius as you find them.

Degree of Friendship: This relationship has a strong possibility of friendship. Aquarians pride themselves on their loyalty though not necessarily their constant physical presence. If she can give him the space he needs, she’ll probably be hearing him introduce her as his best friend. By that he means she has won the key to his heart.  She is a steadfast friend who always brings out the best in the other person.  An Aries comes into your life when you need confidence and courage.  He’ll appreciate the strength she gives him.

Degree of Marriage: This is an unlikely combination for a marriage. It could turn into a lifelong live in situation as neither sign particularly likes to be put on a leash.

Progression of Relationship: Aquarian men are noted for being busy or elsewhere. Even when he is with you physically his mind may be otherwise engaged.  So if you’re a lady ram who really wants someone to hold your hand in the moonlight, better count this guy out. The relationship will progress in fits and starts. Aquarians all seem to have an on/off switch, and as I have said before, he will have a plate full of activities and responsibilities that he takes just as seriously (but not more seriously) than her. Life with an Aquarian can be a three ring circus, and that’s a plus for an active, secure Aries gal.

Sex: Sex can be quite kinky with Aquarius which is just fine with an Aries who is a “ good sport.” When Aquarius hauls out the gear and low voltage electrical devices Aries’ passion goes over the top.This is another winning love match! Both the Aries woman and the Aquarius man love to explore and neither sign cares very much about the status quo – the Aries woman prefers to create her own world while the Aquarius man will break apart any world that does not suit his needs.The Aries woman finds the Aquarius man’s revolutionary ways exciting and the Aquarius man appreciates the Aries woman’s independence since it complements his own need for individuality. Both signs value their freedom and sexually there will be plenty of experimentation!

When It’s Over: She may be the last one to know when it’s over. He will just leave longer and longer intervals between contact. There is not an Aquarian in the world who wants to have it out or who feels the least bit down once his affections have turned elsewhere. His general outlook on life and love seems to be “take me or leave me, and if I leave you, oh well.”  Don’t underestimate her ego, jealousy, and impatience.  When she accuses you of flirting with the waitress in front of her and you tell her she’d be better off with someone else, be sure you mean it because this is one woman who will tire of your detatchment quickly.

Our Rating: 3 /10

Aquarius Manand Taurus Woman Compatibility

Famous Taurus-Aquarius Couples: Uma Thurman and Arpad Brusson; Valerie Bertinelli and Eddie Van Halen; Nora Ephron and Carl Bernstein.

Arpad Busson and Uma Thurman
I guess it is possible for any two people to get together on some basis, but this is a wild stretch of the astrological imagination. Taurus is so conservative and Aquarius is so out there it is hard to conceive of these two having a single thing in common except their stubbornness. Furthermore, Taurus is interested in money and material well being while Aquarius could care less as long as he has an ideal that he can dedicate his life to.

The Aquarius man and Taurus woman work together as a team rather than showcase individual differences. They act upon each other's strength and can achieve almost anything. Taurus women like their lives to be well planned and adhere to planning and precession, whilst the Aquarius man is the exact opposite.

The Aquarius man displays immense honesty and truthfulness in a relationship and enjoys taking it slow. Given that a Taurus woman expects the same level of honesty in her partner, the Aquarius man proves to be a fantastic match for the Taurus woman. A master of his own, the Aquarius man does not appreciate being told around and are only happy and fulfilled when they have the liberty to follow their own ways. He is also very relaxed in his approach to life and is easy going as opposed to the Taurus woman who is very uptight about certain aspects of life.. The differences between the Aquarius man and Taurus woman seep into their personal lives as well because whilst the Taurus woman enjoys a laid back day at home, the Aquarius man wishes to spend the day outside. The Taurus woman considers sex as a display of intimate emotions where as the Aquarius man looks at it as a means of satisfying his physical needs. This can cause severe conflict between the two as they both perceive sex in two opposite ways.

The Aquarius man and Taurus woman fail to see eye to eye on various important matters of day to day life. This causes trouble in the household and a difference of opinion in the most critical circumstances. Though every couple in a relationship face their due share of conflict, the Aquarius man and Taurus woman are unfortunate to deal with what is in store for them due to their contrasting opinions.

However, all their differences should not deter the Aquarius man and Taurus woman to spend their lives together as once identified, these issues can be worked upon mutually with consideration and awareness of the same. If the Aquarius man learns to accept the compulsive nature of the Taurus woman and in return, if she learns to be relatively laid back and relaxed, chances of their success increase manifold.
The friendship that the Aquarius man and Gemini woman share is bold, controversial and indomitable. This couple shares many similar characteristic and this could be one of the reasons why their attraction for each other is so evident. The Aquarius man and Gemini woman are both social butterflies, in that, they both love to go out, socialize and be merry. Neither will be discouraged when the other brings up a suggestion to spend an adventurous weekend away from the daily mundane hustles of everyday life. It won't be surprising to note that the Aquarius man and the Gemini woman are the sole couple in the zodiac who always have plans for the weekends.

Since the Aquarius man is independent he will understand if his Gemini woman makes demands to retain her freedom as well. The couple is often on the same wavelength regarding most issues in life and thus is quite compatible with each other. This also avoids unnecessary conflicts in the relationship which makes it relatively more peaceful than most other couples in the zodiac. Even though the Gemini woman has a compulsive side to her behavior, it will not become an issue with the Aquarius man. He believes in giving each individual the required space in the relationship, a quality that builds the foundation of this relationship. The Aquarius man is physically attractive and charming as is the Gemini woman. They will both be attracted to each other initially only through their appearances but once they get to know each other better , they will realize that their relationship runs deeper than superficial beauties. The Aquarius man and the Gemini woman will share a very deep and satisfying friendship which will slowly but surely culminate into a wonderful relationship. They will both be very successful in retaining their individual characteristics without hampering their life as a couple .This will ensure that the Aquarius man and the Gemini woman will stay true to their selves, from the beginning to the end.

Despite their compatibility, the couple will face problems in their lives. This is inevitable as it is an occurrence with almost all the couples across the globe. The problem that will set apart this couple from the rest of the group is that their fights may culminate into a disastrous end for them or make them doubly stronger. What they do with their fights and the lessons they learn from it determine how their lives will be shaped in the future.

How to Attract an Aquarius Man as a Taurus Woman:  Show your intelligence and detach from the personal. Focus instead on the issues that surround him. You are probably going to meet him as a member of a group working for a positive goal for the community, so take advantage of those circumstances to create conversation. Aquarius is fanatically loyal, so you should believe in his cause or at least be willing to learn more about it. If you don’t think you can commit to it, you’d better leave him alone.

How to Attract a Taurus Woman as an Aquarius Man:  If you are intersested in a Taurus lady who has her own finances, you have a good shot of wooing her with your glamorous lifestyle.  She spends a lot of time doing simple things like housework, gardening, sewing, paying the bills, cooking, and shaving her legs.  Your causes and vast network of interesting “friends”  can really be attractive to her if she’s got a stable life of her own she can always go back to.  Be respectful of her needs and take the time to explain things to her carefully and you should find that she is willing to join you on some exciting adventures.

Degree of Romance: It is hard to be romantic with an Aquarius because he puts the value on friendship. When he refers to her as “best friend” the lady bull may not understand the complement fully.  This man is not into flowers, candy, handholding or special feelings.  All Aquarians seem to have a time space issue where they crowd as much as they possibly can into each hour of every day.  She has got to be prepared to get up early and go to bed late if you want to keep up with this dynamo. Of course, this leaves little or no time for romance, which he will consider a complete and utter waste of time.

Degree of Passion: Both these signs are capable of intense focus which passes for passion; however, it will be toward, in the case of Taurus, material possessions, and in the case of Aquarius, The Cause. They can lead two separate lives if they get to know each other well enough, and it will be very helpful if Taurus  shows some passion his projects.

Degree of Friendship: This is one sign combination that can have a high degree of genuine friendship (which Aquarians value above everything else). He has a humanitarian streak and code of honor that insists he devote himself to the well-being of his fellow traveling companions on the planet. She will have to extend herself a little. It will help if she can hook up with some people in his network (again, to show support for his cause). Tauruses are not unfriendly but the act of extending herself is not necessarily natural.

Degree of Marriage: These two could stick out a miserable situation for a long, long time because each one is too stubborn to admit they have made a mistake. Please look outside yourself for comment as necessary as to the appropriateness of your liaison. In some cases the façade of a marriage is maintained while Aquarius vacates the premises at every possible occasion and gives Taurus the money to furnish and provide for the home. Tauruses can withstand a lot of loneliness. 

Progression of Relationship: This relationship has a lot of pushing and shoving in a psychic sense. Each is bossy and thinks they know how to make progress. Taurus is possessive, and she has a long list of activities and even duties that she expects the Aquarian to do, whereas Aquarius is always interested in closure so he can move on to other things. If he is interested in her, he may try to rope and tie the lady bull so he can get back to the rest of the rodeo.

Sex: The Taurus woman and Aquarius man are both fixed signs so stubborn ways of thinking and living are bound to create tension in this love match.The Taurus woman craves stability whereas the Aquarius man thrives on the unpredictable. This relationship can only work if both partners are fully committed. The Taurus woman must learn to seduce her Aquarius man’s mind and he must appreciate his lady’s desire for physical stimulation above intellectual.The sex between these two signs can be fulfilling in both body and mind if both are willing to give a little before they receive pleasure. Taurus wonders how you can have sex outside your body, where Aquarius invented virtual sex long before the Internet came around. It’s not that Aquarians believe in fantasies, but they are capable of communing with the others in a sort of Vulcan mind merge. The energy connection is satisfying to the Aquarian and substitutes nicely for two bodies meeting. Naturally, this is not going to go over well with the Taurus at all, but then she is perfectly capable of satisfying herself if it comes to that.

When It’s Over: Most of the fireworks inherent in this combination will come at the end. Taurus has a spectacular temper and Aquarians are able to stomp off on a dime. The willfulness of each sign makes compromise difficult and explosions inevitable. Taurus may think she owns the Aquarian, which is a disaster waiting to happen since you can’t control an Aquarian whatsoever. Any Aquarian worth his salt knows that all he has to do is leave to assert his famous independence. I have an image of a magician handing an empty hat to a bystander who shakes his head saying, “Where did he go? Where did he go?”

Our Rating: 2/10

Meditation, Will Lead to Super Human YOU!

Meditation Benefits

Today I read an article and thinks that I should share on my blog. It's all about meditation.

I have only been meditating for two years and I have seen very Beneficials things that helping to function properly in this busy world. I am myself a Bhiddist but but you don't need to be a Bhuddist to meditate, like people when you 'sleep'. It's also already means you 'meditate'. After long digging information and experiencing with meditation, I know there is something wonderful about this and I wanted anyone who reading this try to practice meditation. In the tittle : I must say I might over sell the thing we called 'meditation' but if you are really into meditation and you study about it further you will know ~ with lots of practice and commitment ~ Meditation can lead and will make you some kind of SUPER HUMAN"

What Meditation Can Do For Your Mind, Body And Spirit

Over the past few years, meditation has evolved from an of-the-moment fad to a legitimate health craze, as research has linked the practice to everything from improved cardiovascular health to cognitive benefits. Science has even shown that mindfulness meditation canaffect gene expression.
While the modern-day sciencebehind this age-old practice is still developing, plenty of studies suggest that meditation is about way more than blissing out -- take a look at some of the possible benefits below, and scroll down for more information on each.
Infographic by Alissa Scheller for The Huffington Post.