Pisces Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility

Pisces Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility

Famous Pisces-Pisces Couples:  Patti Boyd and George Harrison
This is one combination where two of the same sign does not mean too much of the same thing.  Pisces is a world unto itself and you might say that only one Pisces can understand another.  A vast ocean of compatibility flows between these two people, a wordless communion, poetry in motion, the merging of two souls, and a sense of completion.

Pisces Man and Aquarius Woman Compatibility

Aquarius Woman and Pisces Man Compatibility

Famous Aquarius-Pisces Couple:  Oprah Winfrey and Stedman Graham
Pisces and Aquarius have a lot more in common than it might seem.   However, there is bound to be a role reversal.  One thing you have to understand about an Aquarian is that they will always elevate friendship over love, which could be bewildering to the Pisces man.  The Pisces man should realize that friendship is religion to an Aquarian woman.  She means to compliment you by calling you her best friend, and you will have to make a translation of the light.

Pisces Man and Capricorn Woman Compatibility

Capricorn Woman and Pisces Man Compatibility

Famous Capricorn-Pisces Couples: Faye Dunaway and Peter Wolf, Kate Moss and Daniel Craig
This is one of those combinations that could make a very boring date but a heavenly marriage, so the sucess of the pairing will depend on the timing and life plan of the individuals.  Deep down inside, every Pisces man is so lost and confused that he dreams of someone to get him organized, pin him to the ground, make him feel secure, and give him a reason to be here now.  Capricorn women are able to supply an ample amount of motherliness with a business-like attitude which can line up a Pisces man and get him marching – for the good of both.  It it not always thrilling to be around a Capricorn woman, but you always feel safe and secure.  You know the bills are paid, the food will be on the table at 6:00, the kids will be clean and mannerly, and the 401(k) is building behind the scenes.  This, to a Pisces man, is a little bit of heaven.

Pisces Man and Sagittarius Woman Compatibility

Sagittarius Woman and Pisces Man Compatibility

Famous Sagittarius-Pisces Couple:  Tyra Banks and Chris Webber
There isn’t a lot of glue to keep these two together.  Both are humanitarian, involved in the world at large, good folks round and round who may bump into each other through shared activities such as Habitat for Humanity or the local homeless shelter, but when did philosophy ever hold a marraige together?  These two have a lot to talk about but will probably not want to spend a lot of time together.  The overwhelming allure of the Pisces man (second only to Scorpio) can be utterly lost on the Sagittarius woman who seems impervious to his magical charm.

Pisces Man and Scorpio Woman Compatibility

Scorpio Woman and Pisces Man Compatibility

Famous Scorpio-Pisces Couples: Demi Moore and Bruce Willis, Goldie Hawn and Mark Russell, Nicolette Sheridan and Michael Bolton, Roseanne and Tom Arnold, Jamie Lee Curtis and Christopher Guest

One of those near ideal matches, both temper the other and bring out the best.  In my opinion and experience, water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) need to stick with each other because of their depth and capacity for feeling plus their need to connect and bond, which the air, fire and earth people don’t understand.  Water signs have the capacity to be deeply wounded if they interact with the more casual, utilitarian or “sporting” types.  Furthermore, water signs never want to end anything so it can be a dream-come-true to find someone else who feels the same way.  Many astrologers have written perceptively about how hard it is to be a “Dionysian” man, a Pisces male, in our culture.  It is the very antithesis of hard logic and forthright action we associate with men.  Having a strong, understanding Scorpio woman by your side can be a life saver, literally a lighthouse on the shores of a stormy sea.  Whereas the soft, dreamy fish takes the sometime bitter vindictive edge off the scorpion’s sting.  There may be no better match than this one.

Pisces Man and Libra Woman Compatibility

Libra Woman and Pisces Man Compatibility

Famous Libra-Pisces Couples: Gwyneth Palthrow and Chris Martin
Peace and harmony.  That’s what this couple is all about.  An ideal aesthetic at work between them brings these two signs together at a very deep level.  They want everything to be beautiful; these two tender souls can pull it off.  They bring out the ethereal in each other.

How to Attract a Libra Woman as a Pisces Man:  To win this intellectual lady you must court a little more systematically than your nature.  She is a romantic but also a logical thinker who will analyze your every move.  To her everything is calculated.  If you see her for three Saturdays in a row and then miss the next one without explanation, she’ll want to know why.  If you date her once a week for a month, then twice a week for a month then three times a week for a month, she’ll need an interpretation for that, too.  I know you don’t think this way, try to see that she does.  They were concocted by a Libra woman, so please acquaint yourself with and then follow them.  All your dreamy, lovely little nothings will come to just that, nothing, if you fail to follow communicate with the Libra in her language.

Pisces Man and Virgo Woman Compatibility

Virgo Woman and Pisces Man Compatibility

Famous Virgo-Pisces Couple: Cindy Crawford and Richard Gere

Opposites attract, but is it sustainable?  Virgo likes order and routine.  Pisces lives in a blur of chaos.  That’s a lot for two people to work out.