Capricorn Man and Capricorn Woman Compatibility
Think of a world where there’s a place for everything and everything is in its place, where people do what they say they’re going to and apologize when they don’t. Imagine a world where everyone is on time, dressed appropriately, “present and accountable”, no excuses. Think of the time that would be saved because things were well planned and executed, done right the first time. Imagine putting that spared energy to excellent use somewhere else. That’s what I’m talkin’ about, when Capricorn teams up with Capricorn. For mysterious reasons there is likely to be a 10-year age difference. This couple will follow the rules as they climb their own particular ladder of success, becoming pillars of their community. Marriage is an institution devised by and for the benefit of the collective. It is the best imaginable vessel for rearing healthy and productive future members of society, on which our collective well being depends. Capricorn serves the collective and embodies its conservative values. If every marriage worked well, think how well organized the country and the world would be. All would benefit.